Intro: Erect perennial, sometimes growing on other plants, of moist forests and floodplains.
Stems: Stems stout, angled to almost winged, bright green, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves in a pair at base of stem, oval with a blunt tip, to 7 in. long, with a prominent center fold, lightly fleshy, glossy and smooth.
Flowers: Flowers 5-30 on slender purple stalks in a terminal raceme, opening from the bottom up; each flower about 1 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric, consisting of 3 spreading, greenish-white, linear sepals (about ½ in. long), 2 drooping, purple, needle-thin (about ½ in. long) lateral petals, and a protruding, light-purple, triangular-oval lip-petal at the bottom.
Fruits: Fruit an elliptic capsule.
Height: to 1 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial, sometimes growing on other plants, of moist forests and floodplains.
stems: Stems stout, angled to almost winged, bright green, smooth.
leaves: Leaves in a pair at base of stem, oval with a blunt tip, to 7 in. long, with a prominent center fold, lightly fleshy, glossy and smooth.
flowers: Flowers 5-30 on slender purple stalks in a terminal raceme, opening from the bottom up; each flower about 1 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric, consisting of 3 spreading, greenish-white, linear sepals (about ½ in. long), 2 drooping, purple, needle-thin (about ½ in. long) lateral petals, and a protruding, light-purple, triangular-oval lip-petal at the bottom.
fruits: Fruit an elliptic capsule.
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native range: eastern North America