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Violarostrata Pursh. Section:Viola. Subsection:Rostratae. Long-spurred Violet. Phen: Chasmogamous flower Apr-Jun (Jul) chasmogamous fruit Apr-Jun; cleistogamous fruit Jul-Aug. Hab: Acidic cove forests, other mesic forests, often under Tsuga canadensis, but also in calcareous forests (as in n. AL). Dist: NH and QC west to WI, south to GA and AL.
ID notes:In chasmogamous flower this caulescent species is unmistakable in its very elongate spur, glabrous petals, and pale violet corolla with dense coalescing nectar-guide lines forming a conspicuously contrasting dark eyespot around the throat. In cleistogamous fruit it is most often confused with species commonly growing with it: V. canadensis, V. eriocarpa, V. labradorica, and V. striata. It differs from V. canadensis in its wholly herbaceous weakly lacerate stipules, and leaf blades with remotely serrate-crenate margins; from V. eriocarpa in its glabrous foliage or leaf blades with sparse small hairs, and wholly herbaceous weakly lacerate stipules; and from V. labradorica and V. striata in its proportionally longer leaf blades with a more prolonged abruptly acute to acuminate apex and remote serrate-crenate margins, and proportionally longer stipules.
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Horticultural Information
Intro:Tufted, erect-ascending perennial found in acidic cove forests and other moist forests, often under hemlock (Tsuga canadensis).
Stems:Stems several from a rhizome, smooth.
Leaves:Leaves alternate; on petioles with narrow, usually fringed stipules at the base; heart-shaped to oval; 3/4-2 3/4 in. long and wide; shallowly toothed and mostly smooth (hairs on mid-vein).
Flowers:Flowers solitary on slender stalks from upper leaf axils, lavender or bluish-violet and streaked with dark purple, 1/2-1 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric, with 5 unequal petals, the lowest one largest and extending behind the flower in a 3/4-in.-long spur.
Fruits:Fruit an oval capsule.
Comments:Closed, self-pollinating flowers are present in this Viola species.
Height:to 10 in.
plant sale text:
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description:Tufted, erect-ascending perennial found in acidic cove forests and other moist forests, often under hemlock (Tsuga canadensis).
stems:Stems several from a rhizome, smooth.
leaves:Leaves alternate; on petioles with narrow, usually fringed stipules at the base; heart-shaped to oval; 3/4-2 3/4 in. long and wide; shallowly toothed and mostly smooth (hairs on mid-vein).
flowers:Flowers solitary on slender stalks from upper leaf axils, lavender or bluish-violet and streaked with dark purple, 1/2-1 in. wide, bilaterally symmetric, with 5 unequal petals, the lowest one largest and extending behind the flower in a 3/4-in.-long spur.
fruits:Fruit an oval capsule.
comments:Closed, self-pollinating flowers are present in this Viola species.