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Boykinia aconitifolia Nuttall. Brook-saxifrage, Aconite-saxifrage, Eastern Boykinia, Allegheny Brookfoam. Phen: Jun-Jul. Hab: Streambanks, riverbanks, in crevices in spray cliffs around waterfalls, seepages. Dist: A Southern Appalachian endemic: sw. VA and s. WV, south through w. NC, e. TN, and nw. SC, to n. GA and ne. AL.

Origin/Endemic status: Endemic

Taxonomy Comments: Apparently closely related to the Japanese endemic B. lycoctonifolia (Maximowicz) Engler.

Synonymy : = C, F, FNA8, G, GW2, K1, K3, K4, RAB, Tn, Va, W; = Therophon aconitifolium (Nutt.) Millsp. – S, S13; > Boykinia turbinata (Rydb.) Fedde; > Therofon turbinatum Rydb.

Links to other floras: = Boykinia aconitifolia - FNA8

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Wetland Indicator Status:

  • Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FACW

Heliophily : 5

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image of plant© Will Stuart | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Will Stuart | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan Cressler: Boykinia aconitifolia, Jacks River, Cohutta Wilderness, Chattahoochee National Forest, Fannin County, Georgia 1 by Alan Cressler source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Joey Shaw source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan Weakley source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Keith Bradley | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan Weakley source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Radford, Ahles and Bell | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Fuzzy, erect perennial of stream banks, river banks, crevices in spray cliffs around waterfalls, and seepages.

Stems: Stems branched above in inflorescence, covered with gland-tipped hairs.

Leaves: Basal leaves long-petioled, round or kidney-shaped, sharply divided into 5-7 toothed lobes; stem leaves similar but smaller.


Flowers: Flowers on glandular-hairy stalks in compact, terminal panicle that elongates with time; white; to ½ in. wide; consisting of 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 reddish-green sepals and 5 stamens.

Fruits: Fruit a 2-sectioned capsule.

Comments: A Southern Appalachian endemic.

Height: 6 - 32 in.

plant sale text: A southern Appalachian species, Boykinia aconitifolia, is most commonly found growing in moist mountain woodlands, streamsides, seepages, and crevices in spray cliffs along waterfalls. In June and July this rhizomatous, clump forming, and slow spreading species forms shallow bell shaped creamy white flowers with yellow centers in bunches above lobed green leaves. Perfect for the shade garden, this species performs best in cultivation when planted in moist, fertile, gritty soil. A nice subtle addition to the garden, try planting alongside ferns to create an interesting contrast in foliage. This plant is rarely offered for sale.

bloom table text:

description: Fuzzy, erect perennial of stream banks, river banks, crevices in spray cliffs around waterfalls, and seepages.

stems: Stems branched above in inflorescence, covered with gland-tipped hairs.

leaves: Basal leaves long-petioled, round or kidney-shaped, sharply divided into 5-7 toothed lobes; stem leaves similar but smaller.


flowers: Flowers on glandular-hairy stalks in compact, terminal panicle that elongates with time; white; to ½ in. wide; consisting of 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 reddish-green sepals and 5 stamens.

fruits: Fruit a 2-sectioned capsule.

comments: A Southern Appalachian endemic.

cultural notes:

germination code:

native range: southeastern United States