Intro: Prostrate to ascending annual/biennial (rarely a short-lived perennial) found in pastures, roadsides and barnyards. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems trailing, branched from base, densely hairy (hairs branched).
Leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, round and often with a notch at the base, 3/4-2 1/2 in. long, obscurely 5-9 lobed, toothed and fuzzy gray-green in color.
Flowers: Flowers 1-3 on stalks arising from leaf axils; pale pink or white and often with pale violet lines; about 3/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 ascending, oblong petals with slightly notched tips, a 5-lobed calyx about 1/2 the length of the petals and a central column of a single pistil and numerous close-pressed stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a flattened-round, wheel-shaped capsule.
Height: 6-24 in.
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description: Prostrate to ascending annual/biennial (rarely a short-lived perennial) found in pastures, roadsides and barnyards. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems trailing, branched from base, densely hairy (hairs branched).
leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, round and often with a notch at the base, 3/4-2 1/2 in. long, obscurely 5-9 lobed, toothed and fuzzy gray-green in color.
flowers: Flowers 1-3 on stalks arising from leaf axils; pale pink or white and often with pale violet lines; about 3/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 ascending, oblong petals with slightly notched tips, a 5-lobed calyx about 1/2 the length of the petals and a central column of a single pistil and numerous close-pressed stamens.
fruits: Fruit a flattened-round, wheel-shaped capsule.
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