Intro: Erect to sprawling annual found in woodlands, on roadsides, in open floodplain swamps and bogs and a variety of other open habitats.
Stems: Stems slender and wiry, 4-angled, branched above, dark green.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, linear, to 2½ in. long, dark green to purplish, with a conspicuous indented mid-vein.
Flowers: Flowers in a terminal raceme, pinkish-purple, to 1½ in. long, bilaterally symmetric and bell-shaped tubular with 5 spreading, rounded lobes; within the corolla throat are purple spots, abundant white hairs and 2 yellow streaks.
Fruits: Fruit a many-seeded, round capsule.
Height: 1-4 ft.
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description: Erect to sprawling annual found in woodlands, on roadsides, in open floodplain swamps and bogs and a variety of other open habitats.
stems: Stems slender and wiry, 4-angled, branched above, dark green.
leaves: Leaves opposite, linear, to 2½ in. long, dark green to purplish, with a conspicuous indented mid-vein.
flowers: Flowers in a terminal raceme, pinkish-purple, to 1½ in. long, bilaterally symmetric and bell-shaped tubular with 5 spreading, rounded lobes; within the corolla throat are purple spots, abundant white hairs and 2 yellow streaks.
fruits: Fruit a many-seeded, round capsule.
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native range: eastern North America