Intro: Reclining, carpet-forming perennial of flatwoods, sandhills and sandy roadsides.
Stems: Stems mostly prostrate, much-branched, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on long petioles with a pair of lobed stipules at the base, palmately divided into 4 lance-linear leaflets that are mostly smooth and spine-tipped.
Flowers: Flowers in erect, terminal spikes of 3-10 flowers, each flower subtended and partially covered by a pair of striate, oval bracts. Flowers yellow, less than 1/2 in. long, bilaterally symmetric, with typical pea-flower shape, including a large, erect "banner" petal that is red-streaked.
Fruits: Fruit a bristly, jointed pod with a beaked tip.
Height: 8-22 in. (long)
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description: Reclining, carpet-forming perennial of flatwoods, sandhills and sandy roadsides.
stems: Stems mostly prostrate, much-branched, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on long petioles with a pair of lobed stipules at the base, palmately divided into 4 lance-linear leaflets that are mostly smooth and spine-tipped.
flowers: Flowers in erect, terminal spikes of 3-10 flowers, each flower subtended and partially covered by a pair of striate, oval bracts. Flowers yellow, less than 1/2 in. long, bilaterally symmetric, with typical pea-flower shape, including a large, erect "banner" petal that is red-streaked.
fruits: Fruit a bristly, jointed pod with a beaked tip.
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