Intro: Mat-forming annual/perennial of shallow, stagnant water of floodplains and lake and pond edges; creeping in mud or floating in shallow water.
Stems: Vegetative (nonflowering) stems creeping, branched, may be submerged or out of water; flowering stems erect and above water.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, 1-1 1/2 in. long, glossy green, with prominent parallel veins, and of 2 kinds: sessile leaves linear to lance-shaped and thin-textured; petiolate leaves floating or extending above the water and kidney-shaped with a notched base.
Flowers: Flowers 2-8 on a spike arising from a spathe, all opening the same day; white; consisting of a short corolla tube (glandular-hairy on outside) with 6 spreading, unequal, linear to lance-shaped lobes, one of which bears 2 yellow or green spots at the base.
Height: to 3 1/2 in. (tall)
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description: Mat-forming annual/perennial of shallow, stagnant water of floodplains and lake and pond edges; creeping in mud or floating in shallow water.
stems: Vegetative (nonflowering) stems creeping, branched, may be submerged or out of water; flowering stems erect and above water.
leaves: Leaves alternate, 1-1 1/2 in. long, glossy green, with prominent parallel veins, and of 2 kinds: sessile leaves linear to lance-shaped and thin-textured; petiolate leaves floating or extending above the water and kidney-shaped with a notched base.
flowers: Flowers 2-8 on a spike arising from a spathe, all opening the same day; white; consisting of a short corolla tube (glandular-hairy on outside) with 6 spreading, unequal, linear to lance-shaped lobes, one of which bears 2 yellow or green spots at the base.
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