Intro: Erect perennial found in seepages and moist forests, on waterfall spray cliffs and brook banks.
Stems: Stems slender, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, twice divided into 3; the ultimate leaflets are oval to round, 1/2-1½ in. wide, lobed at the tip, blue-green above and white beneath.
Flowers: Flowers in an open, spreading panicle; white; about 1/3 in. wide; pom-pom-shaped, lacking petals but with many flattened, white stamens and 5 diminutive to absent white sepals.
Fruits: Fruit a small, round head of 3-8 sickle-shaped achenes.
Height: 6-24 in.
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description: Erect perennial found in seepages and moist forests, on waterfall spray cliffs and brook banks.
stems: Stems slender, smooth.
leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, twice divided into 3; the ultimate leaflets are oval to round, 1/2-1½ in. wide, lobed at the tip, blue-green above and white beneath.
flowers: Flowers in an open, spreading panicle; white; about 1/3 in. wide; pom-pom-shaped, lacking petals but with many flattened, white stamens and 5 diminutive to absent white sepals.
fruits: Fruit a small, round head of 3-8 sickle-shaped achenes.
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