Intro: Short, fleshy, erect to prostrate annual growing in very thin soil of periodically wet depressions on granite flatrocks and outcrops.
Stems: Stems branching, succulent, red (rarely green) and smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, blunt-tipped, less than 1/4 in. long, succulent (round in cross-section), red and smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in branching clusters, white, about 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 4 spreading petals, 8 stamens with red anthers, and a white, 4-segmented pistil.
Fruits: Fruit a 4-celled capsule.
Height: 3/4-4 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Short, fleshy, erect to prostrate annual growing in very thin soil of periodically wet depressions on granite flatrocks and outcrops.
stems: Stems branching, succulent, red (rarely green) and smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, blunt-tipped, less than 1/4 in. long, succulent (round in cross-section), red and smooth.
flowers: Flowers in branching clusters, white, about 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 4 spreading petals, 8 stamens with red anthers, and a white, 4-segmented pistil.
fruits: Fruit a 4-celled capsule.
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