Intro: Perennial vine that trails and twines over other plants, found in thickets near streams, upland woods and disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems slender, angled, hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; divided into 3 smooth to hairy (especially below) broadly oval leaflets, each 1-5 in. longand with a pointy tip.
Flowers: Flowers in numerous long-stalked racemes from leaf axils; pink to purple (sometimes white); about 1/3 in. long; resembling a typical pea-flower but with a very broad "banner" petal, 2 spreading "wing" petals and a distinctively coiled "keel" petal in the center.
Fruits: Fruit a smooth, somewhat compressed, curved pod.
Height: 6-20 ft. (long)
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description: Perennial vine that trails and twines over other plants, found in thickets near streams, upland woods and disturbed areas.
stems: Stems slender, angled, hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; divided into 3 smooth to hairy (especially below) broadly oval leaflets, each 1-5 in. longand with a pointy tip.
flowers: Flowers in numerous long-stalked racemes from leaf axils; pink to purple (sometimes white); about 1/3 in. long; resembling a typical pea-flower but with a very broad "banner" petal, 2 spreading "wing" petals and a distinctively coiled "keel" petal in the center.
fruits: Fruit a smooth, somewhat compressed, curved pod.
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