Intro: Erect to ascending perennial of fens, seeps, seepage swamps, spray zones around waterfalls, other seepage wetlands and wet meadows, usually over mafic/ultramafic or calcareous rocks.
Stems: Stems simple or branched, mostly smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with coarsely toothed stipules, to 18 in. long, pinnately divided into 7--17 coarsely toothed, narrowly oblong leaflets (1--2½ in. long) and with an (often) red rachis.
Flowers: Flowers densely packed in long-stalked, cylindric terminal spikes (2-8 in. long), lower flowers blooming first; white; each consisting of a tiny calyx with 4 spreading lobes (no petals), 4 conspicuous stamens with long filaments, and a pistil.
Height: 2-6 ft.
plant sale text: The genus name (Sanguisorba) refers to the juice of the plant reputed to stop bleeding. Burnet comes from an old French word for the color brown due to the European species which has reddish brown flowers. Our native Burnet has bottlebrush spikes of white flowers on stems that may reach 6 feet in height. Summer blooming and very tolerant of wet conditions, this plant will form a satisfying clump where happy. Good choice for a boggy area in your garden. The flowers can be quite dramatic.
bloom table text:
description: Erect to ascending perennial of fens, seeps, seepage swamps, spray zones around waterfalls, other seepage wetlands and wet meadows, usually over mafic/ultramafic or calcareous rocks.
stems: Stems simple or branched, mostly smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with coarsely toothed stipules, to 18 in. long, pinnately divided into 7--17 coarsely toothed, narrowly oblong leaflets (1--2½ in. long) and with an (often) red rachis.
flowers: Flowers densely packed in long-stalked, cylindric terminal spikes (2-8 in. long), lower flowers blooming first; white; each consisting of a tiny calyx with 4 spreading lobes (no petals), 4 conspicuous stamens with long filaments, and a pistil.
cultural notes:
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