Intro: Upright perennial covered in stinging hairs, found in moist, nutrient-rich forests and seepage swamps, especially abundant in cove forests in the Mountains and bottomlands in the Piedmont.
Stems: Stems stout, covered with stinging hairs.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, oval and with long pointed tips, 2-6 in. long, with prominent veins, sharply toothed,.
Flowers: Male and female flowers in separate branching clusters arising from leaf axils, the female ones toward top of plant. Female flowers with 4 tiny, greenish-white sepals, and male flowers with 5 sepals (no petals).
Fruits: Fruit an achene containing 1 shiny, black seed.
Height: 1-3.5 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Upright perennial covered in stinging hairs, found in moist, nutrient-rich forests and seepage swamps, especially abundant in cove forests in the Mountains and bottomlands in the Piedmont.
stems: Stems stout, covered with stinging hairs.
leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, oval and with long pointed tips, 2-6 in. long, with prominent veins, sharply toothed,.
flowers: Male and female flowers in separate branching clusters arising from leaf axils, the female ones toward top of plant. Female flowers with 4 tiny, greenish-white sepals, and male flowers with 5 sepals (no petals).
fruits: Fruit an achene containing 1 shiny, black seed.
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native range: eastern North America