Intro: Biennial/short-lived perennial found in fields, pastures, roadsides and other disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems unbranched, green to reddish-green, very leafy and furry-hairy.
Leaves: Basal leaves form a rosette the first year; second-year leaves alternate and mostly ascending on the stem, sessile to subsessile, lance-shaped, to 6 in. long, entire or toothed.
Flowers: Flowers arising from upper leaf axils, bright yellow, 1-2½ in. wide, consisting of 4 heart-shaped petals, an elongated calyx tube of 4 strongly reflexed sepals, 8 stamens and a cross-shaped stigma.
Fruits: Fruit an ascending, lance-cylindric capsule.
Comments: Flowers open at dusk and are pollinated by sphinx moths.
Height: 2-5 ft.
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description: Biennial/short-lived perennial found in fields, pastures, roadsides and other disturbed areas.
stems: Stems unbranched, green to reddish-green, very leafy and furry-hairy.
leaves: Basal leaves form a rosette the first year; second-year leaves alternate and mostly ascending on the stem, sessile to subsessile, lance-shaped, to 6 in. long, entire or toothed.
flowers: Flowers arising from upper leaf axils, bright yellow, 1-2½ in. wide, consisting of 4 heart-shaped petals, an elongated calyx tube of 4 strongly reflexed sepals, 8 stamens and a cross-shaped stigma.
fruits: Fruit an ascending, lance-cylindric capsule.
comments: Flowers open at dusk and are pollinated by sphinx moths.
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native range: United States & southern Canada