Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of savannas, savanna-pocosin ecotones, seepage bogs and sinkhole ponds (dolines) in the mountains of VA.
Stems: Stems scape-like, unbranched and densely covered with granular, rough glands.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, erect, grass-like, to 14 in long and 1/4 in. wide; the few stem leaves are smaller and bract-like.
Flowers: Flowers on glandular-hairy stalks in a terminal cylindrical cluster, with 3-7 flowers per node (1 per node at top); white (drying orange); about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 6 spreading, blunt-tipped, oblong-lance to spoon-shaped tepals (the inner series of 3 narrower and longer) and 6 stamens (about as long as tepals) surrounding a greenish-white, 3-celled ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a 3-celled, oval capsule.
Height: 8-24 in.
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description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of savannas, savanna-pocosin ecotones, seepage bogs and sinkhole ponds (dolines) in the mountains of VA.
stems: Stems scape-like, unbranched and densely covered with granular, rough glands.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, erect, grass-like, to 14 in long and 1/4 in. wide; the few stem leaves are smaller and bract-like.
flowers: Flowers on glandular-hairy stalks in a terminal cylindrical cluster, with 3-7 flowers per node (1 per node at top); white (drying orange); about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 6 spreading, blunt-tipped, oblong-lance to spoon-shaped tepals (the inner series of 3 narrower and longer) and 6 stamens (about as long as tepals) surrounding a greenish-white, 3-celled ovary.
fruits: Fruit a 3-celled, oval capsule.
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native range: southeastern United States