Intro: Climbing annual of disturbed forests, alluvial fields, roadsides, powerline rights-of-way and other disturbed areas. Introduced native of Asia that is spreading rapidly.
Stems: Stems clambering over other plants, branched, covered with recurved barbs.
Leaves: Leaves alternate and long-petiolate (petiole bearing recurved barbs), with an expanded, cup-shaped, leaf-like sheath (ocrea) where petiole joins stem; triangular; 1-3 in. long; pale or bluish-green; with recurved barbs beneath.
Flowers: Flowers clustered in short racemes arising from ocreae, greenish-white, less than 1/4 in. long, usually closed.
Fruits: Fruit a blue, berrylike achene.
Height: to 10 ft. or more (long)
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description: Climbing annual of disturbed forests, alluvial fields, roadsides, powerline rights-of-way and other disturbed areas. Introduced native of Asia that is spreading rapidly.
stems: Stems clambering over other plants, branched, covered with recurved barbs.
leaves: Leaves alternate and long-petiolate (petiole bearing recurved barbs), with an expanded, cup-shaped, leaf-like sheath (ocrea) where petiole joins stem; triangular; 1-3 in. long; pale or bluish-green; with recurved barbs beneath.
flowers: Flowers clustered in short racemes arising from ocreae, greenish-white, less than 1/4 in. long, usually closed.
fruits: Fruit a blue, berrylike achene.
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