Intro: Erect-ascending annual of alluvial fields, stream banks, sand and gravel bars and open, disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems freely branched, hard and ribbed, with somewhat swollen nodes.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, short-petiolate and with a silvery membranous sheath (ocrea) where petiole joins stem, elliptic to lance-shaped, 1/2-3 in. long, firm, yellowish-green.
Flowers: Flowers in sessile to short-stalked, axillary clusters of 1-5; greenish-white; 1/8 in. wide; consisting of 5 green, oblong tepals with bluntly rounded tips and yellow to whitish margins.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, brown achene.
Height: 8-30 in.
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description: Erect-ascending annual of alluvial fields, stream banks, sand and gravel bars and open, disturbed areas.
stems: Stems freely branched, hard and ribbed, with somewhat swollen nodes.
leaves: Leaves alternate, short-petiolate and with a silvery membranous sheath (ocrea) where petiole joins stem, elliptic to lance-shaped, 1/2-3 in. long, firm, yellowish-green.
flowers: Flowers in sessile to short-stalked, axillary clusters of 1-5; greenish-white; 1/8 in. wide; consisting of 5 green, oblong tepals with bluntly rounded tips and yellow to whitish margins.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, brown achene.
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