Intro: Erect annual of salt pannes in coastal marshes.
Stems: Stems single or much-branched, succulent, narrower than flowering spikes, remaining green in autumn.
Leaves: Leaves absent or minute and opposite, scaly or needle-like with a tiny, sharp tooth at the tip.
Flowers: Flowers in branched, erect, terminal spikes; minute and sunken or immersed in the thick, segmented spikes, whose segments are thicker than they are long.
Fruits: Fruit an achene.
Height: 2-16 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect annual of salt pannes in coastal marshes.
stems: Stems single or much-branched, succulent, narrower than flowering spikes, remaining green in autumn.
leaves: Leaves absent or minute and opposite, scaly or needle-like with a tiny, sharp tooth at the tip.
flowers: Flowers in branched, erect, terminal spikes; minute and sunken or immersed in the thick, segmented spikes, whose segments are thicker than they are long.
fruits: Fruit an achene.
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