Intro: Erect perennial from basal rosette of leaves, found in rich, moist deciduous forests.
Stems: The stems is an unbranched flowering scape arising from the center of the rosette.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, elliptic to oval, 6-12 in. long, with prominent parallel veins and longitudinal pleats, smooth; there are a few, smaller alternate leaves with sheathing bases on the scape.
Flowers: Flowers in a terminal raceme or branched panicle, 1-2 ft. long; upper flowers contain male and female parts, while lower flowers are only male (with stamens). Upper flowers consist of 6 widely spreading reddish-brown, narrow tepals (with pair of dark red glands at the base), 6 stamens and an ovary with 3 styles.
Fruits: Fruit an elliptic-oblong capsule.
Height: 3-6 (flowering stalk)
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description: Erect perennial from basal rosette of leaves, found in rich, moist deciduous forests.
stems: The stems is an unbranched flowering scape arising from the center of the rosette.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, elliptic to oval, 6-12 in. long, with prominent parallel veins and longitudinal pleats, smooth; there are a few, smaller alternate leaves with sheathing bases on the scape.
flowers: Flowers in a terminal raceme or branched panicle, 1-2 ft. long; upper flowers contain male and female parts, while lower flowers are only male (with stamens). Upper flowers consist of 6 widely spreading reddish-brown, narrow tepals (with pair of dark red glands at the base), 6 stamens and an ovary with 3 styles.
fruits: Fruit an elliptic-oblong capsule.
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