Intro: Slender, leafless perennial lacking chlorophyll, found throughout North America in a wide range of forest habitats, from sandy floodplain forests to rich/acidic cove forests and dry to moist mixed oak and oak-hickory forests.
Stems: Stems essentially underground and sending up furry, tan-brown, leafless flower stalks.
Flowers: Flowers solitary at top of stalk, nodding or held horizontally, white with pale bluish-purple lines, just under 1 in. long, bilaterally symmetric and tubular with 5 spreading lobes.
Fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
Comments: Lacks roots and chlorophyll, instead deriving water and nutrients from host plants, including goldenrods and sunflowers.
Height: 2-8 in.
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description: Slender, leafless perennial lacking chlorophyll, found throughout North America in a wide range of forest habitats, from sandy floodplain forests to rich/acidic cove forests and dry to moist mixed oak and oak-hickory forests.
stems: Stems essentially underground and sending up furry, tan-brown, leafless flower stalks.
flowers: Flowers solitary at top of stalk, nodding or held horizontally, white with pale bluish-purple lines, just under 1 in. long, bilaterally symmetric and tubular with 5 spreading lobes.
fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
comments: Lacks roots and chlorophyll, instead deriving water and nutrients from host plants, including goldenrods and sunflowers.
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