Intro: Erect to reclining annual of freshwater marshes and disturbed areas, such as roadside ditches. Probably native of tropical America, now widespread in se. North America.
Stems: Stems slender, branched, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with sheathing bases, 1/2-3 1/2 in. long (reduced in size upward), finely divided (2-3 times pinnately compound) into many linear, almost needle-like segments, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in compound, terminal and axillary umbels containing 2-3 umbellets; umbellets 1/4-1/2 in. wide and composed of 5-15 tiny white, 5-petaled flowers.
Fruits: Fruit a joined pair of asymmetrically elliptic seeds that are flat to slightly concave on one side and convex and conspicuously 3-ribbed on the other.
Height: 4-18 in.
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description: Erect to reclining annual of freshwater marshes and disturbed areas, such as roadside ditches. Probably native of tropical America, now widespread in se. North America.
stems: Stems slender, branched, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with sheathing bases, 1/2-3 1/2 in. long (reduced in size upward), finely divided (2-3 times pinnately compound) into many linear, almost needle-like segments, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in compound, terminal and axillary umbels containing 2-3 umbellets; umbellets 1/4-1/2 in. wide and composed of 5-15 tiny white, 5-petaled flowers.
fruits: Fruit a joined pair of asymmetrically elliptic seeds that are flat to slightly concave on one side and convex and conspicuously 3-ribbed on the other.
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