Intro: Erect, coarse perennial of fields and roadsides. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems stout, hollow, longitudinally ribbed, branched occasionally, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; on petioles with sheathing base; to 18 in. long but reduced upward (petioles reduced too); 1-2 times pinnately divided into oval to elliptic leaflets, these to 3 in. long and toothed.
Flowers: Flowers in a flat-topped, compound umbel at top of stem and additional smaller umbels from upper leaf axils; each flower yellow, less than 1/4 in. wide, with 5 initially incurved but eventually spreading petals and a prominent greenish-yellow nectar pad.
Fruits: Fruit a joined pair of elliptic, ridged seeds that are flat on one side.
Height: 3-5 ft.
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description: Erect, coarse perennial of fields and roadsides. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems stout, hollow, longitudinally ribbed, branched occasionally, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate; on petioles with sheathing base; to 18 in. long but reduced upward (petioles reduced too); 1-2 times pinnately divided into oval to elliptic leaflets, these to 3 in. long and toothed.
flowers: Flowers in a flat-topped, compound umbel at top of stem and additional smaller umbels from upper leaf axils; each flower yellow, less than 1/4 in. wide, with 5 initially incurved but eventually spreading petals and a prominent greenish-yellow nectar pad.
fruits: Fruit a joined pair of elliptic, ridged seeds that are flat on one side.
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