Intro: Slender, erect annual of ditches, marshes and other wet places.
Stems: Stems loosely branched, at least above, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on short petioles with sheathing base, to 4 in. long, divided into 3 leaflets that are further divided into many smooth, threadlike segments.
Flowers: Flowers in flat-topped, compound umbels (to 2 in. wide) at tips of branches, each umbellet with 4--20 flowers, and the umbel surrounded by a whorl of bracts that resemble small versions of the leaves. . Flowers white, tiny, consisting of 5 incurved petals and stamens with pinkish-purple anthers.
Fruits: Fruit a joined pair of oval, ridged seeds.
Height: 6-60 in.
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description: Slender, erect annual of ditches, marshes and other wet places.
stems: Stems loosely branched, at least above, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, on short petioles with sheathing base, to 4 in. long, divided into 3 leaflets that are further divided into many smooth, threadlike segments.
flowers: Flowers in flat-topped, compound umbels (to 2 in. wide) at tips of branches, each umbellet with 4--20 flowers, and the umbel surrounded by a whorl of bracts that resemble small versions of the leaves. . Flowers white, tiny, consisting of 5 incurved petals and stamens with pinkish-purple anthers.
fruits: Fruit a joined pair of oval, ridged seeds.
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