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Sideroxylon species 1 . Lake Bully. Phen: May-Jul; Sep-Oct. Hab: Florida scrub. Dist: C. peninsular FL.

Origin/Endemic status: Endemic

Taxonomy Comments: Recognition of Bumelia lacuum has been controversial. In the most recent study (Corogin 2015), it showed some consistent morphological distinctions relative to Bumelia tenax (e.g., pedicel length) and others that were less clear-cut. In phylogenetic analysis of ITS and five cpDNA regions, the two consistently claded away from one another (Corogin 2015). Despite analyzing the two entities separately and discussing their differences at some length, Corogin (2015) ultimately declined to accord Bumelia lacuum taxonomic rank, perhaps because a new combination in Sideroxylon would be needed (at either species, subspecies, or variety rank) and his results were not definite enough to proceed with confidence. We here recognize Bumelia lacuum (without valid name) because we think it warrants recognition at some rank based on the evidence. Additional study, focused on these two entities is needed.

Synonymy: = Bumelia lacuum Small – S, Clark (1942), Lakela (1963); < Bumelia tenax (L.) Willd. – RAB, Godfrey (1988); < Sideroxylon tenax L. – Fl5, FNA8, K1, K3, WH3, Corogin (2015), Govaerts, Frodin, & Pennington (2001), Pennington (1991)

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