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*Hydrilla verticillata (Linnaeus f.) Royle ssp. peregrina Tippery. Wandering Hydrilla. Phen: Jun-Aug. Hab: Ponds, lakes, rivers, often locally abundant. This species has become a serious aquatic weed. Dist: Native of Korea and adjacent ne. China.

Origin/Endemic status: E. and se. Asia

Taxonomy Comments: Tippery (2023) delineated subspecies in Hydrilla verticillata, corresponding to morphotypes, different sexualities, and different distributions and apparent origins. This is the taxon that has been known as the 'monoecious invasive biotype' (Tippery 2023).

Synonymy: = Tippery (2023); = n/a – RAB, Tat; < Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle – AqW, Ar, C, ETx1, FNA22, GW1, K1, K3, K4, Meso6, NcTx, NE, NY, Pa, Tn, Va, WH3

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