Intro: Erect perennial of moist to dry forests, usually in base-rich soils.
Stems: Stem leafless, the base strongly thickened and bulbous, yellowish-brown to reddish-purple and smooth.
Leaves: There are no real leaves; a few sheathing bracts may be present.
Flowers: Flowers 10-15 in a narrow terminal raceme and horizontally spreading, ascending, or drooping. Each flower about â…“ in. long, bilaterally symmetric, consisting of a prominent reddish-green ovary with reddish-green, narrow sepals and petals attached to its top and forming a hood over an additional sharply drooping, white lip petal, which is larger and purple-spotted.
Comments: Lacks chlorophyll and utilizes fungi to obtain carbon from the roots of other plants.
Height: 4-17 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of moist to dry forests, usually in base-rich soils.
stems: Stem leafless, the base strongly thickened and bulbous, yellowish-brown to reddish-purple and smooth.
leaves: There are no real leaves; a few sheathing bracts may be present.
flowers: Flowers 10-15 in a narrow terminal raceme and horizontally spreading, ascending, or drooping. Each flower about â…“ in. long, bilaterally symmetric, consisting of a prominent reddish-green ovary with reddish-green, narrow sepals and petals attached to its top and forming a hood over an additional sharply drooping, white lip petal, which is larger and purple-spotted.
comments: Lacks chlorophyll and utilizes fungi to obtain carbon from the roots of other plants.
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