350 results for family: Asteraceae.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Asteraceae | Coreopsis major var. rigida | | | | |
Asteraceae | Coreopsis nudata | Swamp Coreopsis | Seasonally flooded pineland depressions, either herbaceous-dominated or under a canopy of Taxodium ascendens. | E. GA (in close proximity to SC) south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL, west to e. LA. See Barger et al. (2023) for confirmation of its imperilment in AL. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis nuecensis | Crown Tickseed | Sandy soils of oak woodlands. | Native of c. and s. TX; introduced eastward, as in e. LA and St. Johns County, FL. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis nuecensoides | Rio Grande Tickseed, Rio Grande Coreopsis, Sand Coreopsis | Sandy soils of post oak and oak-mesquite woodlands. | E., se., and s. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis palustris | Beadle's Coreopsis | Blackwater swamp forests, wet and very wet loamy pine savannas, tidal freshwater swamp forests, swamp edges, borrow pits. | Se. NC south to ne. FL (records outside this area, so far as is known, all represent misidentifications). | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis pubescens var. debilis | | Pine flatwoods, other habitats. | C. TN south through AL and ne. MS to w. FL, s. AL, s. MS, and se. LA. | |
Asteraceae | Coreopsis pubescens var. pubescens | Common Hairy Coreopsis | Forests, woodlands, and rock outcrops. | The species as a whole is largely centered in the Southern Appalachians and Ozarks-Ouachitas, with scattered outlying occurrences; var. pubescens has essentially the range of the species, from s. VA, s. KY, s. IL, and s. MO south to nw. FL, MS, and LA. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis pubescens var. robusta | Mountain Hairy Coreopsis | Rocky slopes, glades, edges of rock outcrops. | Jul-Sep. Var. robusta is a Southern Appalachian endemic, known from sw. VA, w. NC, nw. SC, n. GA, e. TN, and c. AL. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis rosea | Pink Coreopsis | Upland depression ponds in the Inner Coastal Plain, drawdown zones on banks of blackwater rivers in the Outer Coastal Plain, rocky glades. | Coastal Plain of s. NS, MA, RI, NY (Long Island), NJ, PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), DE, MD, e. SC, and e. GA, where it occurs on shores with fluctuating water levels, primarily on Coastal Plain pond shores, but also on river banks; inland on this soils over rock. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis tinctoria var. atkinsoniana | | Roadsides. | Apparently introduced eastward in nw. GA from a distribution in nw. North America. | |
Asteraceae | Coreopsis tinctoria var. similis | | | Endemic to s. TX and adjacent n. Mexico (NLE, TAM). | |
Asteraceae | Coreopsis tinctoria var. tinctoria | Calliopsis, Plains Coreopsis | Streambanks, riverbanks, roadsides and other disturbed places. | Var. tinctoria was apparently widespread in the Great Plains and sc. United States, now distributed nearly throughout North America. | 
Asteraceae | Coreopsis wrightii | | Calcareous soils, rock outcrops, savanna openings, oak-juniper woodlands, sometimes in disturbed areas or dry roadsides. | Mainly endemic to the Edwards Plateau, TX. | 
Asteraceae | Cosmos | Cosmos | | | 
Asteraceae | Cosmos bipinnatus | Common Cosmos | Garden edges, roadsides, disturbed areas, commonly cultivated horticulturally, sometimes escaped. | Native of Mexico. | 
Asteraceae | Cosmos caudatus | | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. | |
Asteraceae | Cosmos parviflorus | | Disturbed or cultivated areas. | Native of sw. United States and adjacent Mexico. | 
Asteraceae | Cosmos sulphureus | Orange Cosmos | Garden edges, roadsides, disturbed areas; commonly cultivated horticulturally, rarely escaped. | Native of tropical America. | 
Asteraceae | Cota | Golden Marguerite | | | 
Asteraceae | Cota tinctoria | Yellow Chamomile, Golden Marguerite, Yellow Cotula | Disturbed areas, roadsides. | Native of Europe. | 
Asteraceae | Cotula | Brassbuttons | | | 
Asteraceae | Cotula australis | Southern Brassbuttons | Waste area around wool-combing mill. | Native of Australia and New Zealand. Reported for SC by Nesom (2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Cotula coronopifolia | Brassbuttons | Disturbed areas. | Native of s. Africa. | |
Asteraceae | Crassocephalum | | | | 
Asteraceae | Crassocephalum crepidioides | Redflower Ragleaf, Ebolo, Thickhead, Fireweed | Pine rocklands, rockland hammocks, disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. Reported for NC (Wilson County) (M. Basinger, pers.comm., 2023). | 
Asteraceae | Crepis | Hawksbeard | | | 
Asteraceae | Crepis biennis | Rough Hawkbeard | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | |
Asteraceae | Crepis capillaris | Smooth Hawksbeard | Pastures, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Asteraceae | Crepis foetida | Stinking Hawksbeard | | Native of Europe. Reported for NC (Kartesz (2010); documentation uncertain; rejected; not mapped; listed in RAB as a synonym of Hypochoeris elata. | |
Asteraceae | Crepis nicaeensis | Turkish Hawksbeard | Disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | |
Asteraceae | Crepis pulchra | Smallflower Hawksbeard | Roadsides, fields, disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Asteraceae | Crepis setosa | Bristly Hawksbeard | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. Reported for Polk County, TN by Chester, Wofford, & Kral (1997) and from s. PA by Rhoads & Klein (1993). | |
Asteraceae | Crepis tectorum | | Disturbed areas, perhaps not established. | Native of Eurasia. | 
Asteraceae | Crepis vesicaria ssp. taraxacifolia | | Lawns. | Native of Mediterranean and w. Europe. | 
Asteraceae | Crepis zacintha | Striped Hawksbeard | Lawns, roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | |
Asteraceae | Croptilon | Scratch-daisy | | | 
Asteraceae | Croptilon divaricatum | Scratch-daisy | Sandy or otherwise dry soils of fields, roadsides, longleaf pine sandhill woodlands, and sand pine woodlands. | Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL and west to c. TX, inland to n. GA, n. AL, se. OK and c. AR. | 
Asteraceae | Croptilon hookerianum var. graniticum | | | | |
Asteraceae | Croptilon hookerianum var. hookerianum | Hooker's Scratchdaisy | Sands and other open areas. | C. and e. TX south to s. TX; disjunct in MS (J. Kees, pers.comm., 2022). | |
Asteraceae | Croptilon hookerianum var. validum | Hooker's True Scratch-daisy | Rock outcrops, sandy areas. | KS and AR south through OK to c. TX. Found in MS by John Kees. | |
Asteraceae | Croptilon rigidifolium | Stiffleaf Scratchdaisy | Sandy woodlands, prairies, and coastal flats. | E. and sc. TX south through s. TX to ne. Mexico (TAM). | |
Asteraceae | Cyanthillium | Ironweed | | | 
Asteraceae | Cyanthillium cinereum | Little Ironweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical and subtropical Asia. | |
Asteraceae | Cyanus | Cornflower, Bachelor’s-buttons | | | 
Asteraceae | Cyanus depressus | Iranian Cornflower | On ore piles, a waif. | Native of sw. and c. Asia. | |
Asteraceae | Cyanus montanus | Mountain Cornflower, Mountain Bluet | Disturbed areas, cultivated as an ornamental and weakly establishing. | Native of Europe. | 
Asteraceae | Cyanus segetum | Cornflower, Bachelor's-buttons | Roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. | 
Asteraceae | Cyclachaena | | | | 
Asteraceae | Cyclachaena xanthiifolia | Big Marsh-elder, Burweed Marsh-elder | Prairies; eastwards in disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mills. | ON west to BC, south to MO, TX, NM, AZ, and CA. See Nesom (2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Cymophora | Cymophora | | | |
Asteraceae | Cymophora accedens | Cymophora | A waif on ore piles. | Native of Mexico. | |
Asteraceae | Dahlia | Dahlia | | | 
Asteraceae | Dahlia pinnata | Dahlia | Garden waif from horticulture. | Native of the Central America. | 
Asteraceae | Diaperia | Dwarf Cudweed | | | 
Asteraceae | Diaperia candida | Silver Rabbit-tobacco | Prairies and dry prairies, woodlands. | Sw. AR and se. OK south to w. LA and e. and s. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Diaperia prolifera var. barnebyi | | | | |
Asteraceae | Diaperia prolifera var. prolifera | Cotton-rose, Bighead Pygmy-cudweed | Prairies, open clay or calcareous areas, disturbed areas; eastwards in waste areas around wool-combing mill. | MO west to MT, south to LA and TX; disjunct eastward in the Black Belt prairies of AL and MS and also further eastward as an introduction (Nesom 2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Diaperia verna var. drummondii | Gulf Coast Rabbit-tobacco | Dunes, beaches, disturbed sandy soils. | Se. and s. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Diaperia verna var. verna | Cotton-rose, Poverty-weed | Open, barren or grassy areas. | AR and w. LA west to AZ, south to Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SON, TAM); also rare as an introduction east of the Mississippi River, in disturbed areas and as a wool-combing waif (Nesom 2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Dichaetophora | | | | 
Asteraceae | Dichaetophora campestris | Plains-daisy | Sandy soils, mesquite savannas. | S. TX and n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE). | 
Asteraceae | Dimorphotheca | | | | |
Asteraceae | Dimorphotheca sinuata | Cape Marigold, Namaqualand Daisy | Waif from horticultural use. | Native of s. Africa. | 
Asteraceae | Dittrichia | | | | 
Asteraceae | Dittrichia graveolens | | Disturbed urban and suburban areas; in SC in waste area around wool-combing mills. | Native of Mediterranean Europe, but quite possibly introduced into SC by wool from Australia where it is naturalized (Nesom 2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Dittrichia viscosa | | Disturbed areas, on ballast. | Native of Mediterranean Europe. Collected as a ballast weed in Pensacola, Escambia County, FL, and elsewhere in eastern North America, in the late 1800s; it does not appear to be naturalized. | |
Asteraceae | Doellingeria | Flat-topped Aster | | | 
Asteraceae | Doellingeria infirma | Appalachian Flat-topped White Aster, Cornel-leaf Flat-topped Aster | Woodland borders, dry or dry-mesic woodlands, glades. | MA west to KY, south to SC, GA, Panhandle FL (Gadsden County), AL, and wc. TN. | 
Asteraceae | Doellingeria sericocarpoides | Pocosin Flat-topped Aster, Southern Flat-topped Aster, Southern Tall Flat-topped Aster | Peaty soils of sandhill ecotones and streamhead pocosins, other acidic seeps and swamps. | Sc. NC south to ne. FL and Panhandle FL, west to MS and se. LA; also in the West Gulf Coastal Plain of w. LA, AR, se. OK, and e. TX; disjunct in w. SC in the uppermost Piedmont in the Blue Ridge Escarpment region. Material north of sc. NC treated by Fernald as Aster umbellatus var. brevisquamus is closer to Doellingeria umbellatus var. umbellatus, but may warrant varietal recognition under that species. | 
Asteraceae | Doellingeria umbellata var. umbellata | Northern Flat-topped White Aster, Northern Tall Flat-topped Aster | Wet meadows, pastures, bogs, fens, marshes, stream floodplains, roadbanks, to at least 1900 m. | NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to e. VA, w. NC, nw. SC (P. McMillan, pers.comm., 2002), n. GA, ne. AL, MS, TN, and KY. | 
Asteraceae | Dracopis | Coneflower | | | 
Asteraceae | Dracopis amplexicaulis | Clasping Coneflower | Prairies, calcareous bottomlands, dry open areas, disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mill; introduced in part in our area. | Native to prairie-like areas and calcareous bottomlands from GA (?) and AL west to KS and TX; reported for nc. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and introduced in SC (Nesom 2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Dysodiopsis | | | | 
Asteraceae | Dysodiopsis tagetoides | Marigold Dogweed | Limestone outcrops. | OK south to se. and c. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Dyssodia | | | | 
Asteraceae | Dyssodia papposa | Dogweed, Fetid Marigold | Prairies, disturbed areas, highway medians and road shoulders, roadsides; eastward also as a waif near wool-combing mills. | PA to MT, south to TN, TX, NM, CA, and Mexico; the eastern parts of the distribution apparently by introduction. Reported for wool-combing waste in SC by Nesom (2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea | Purple Coneflower | | | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia | Narrow-leaved Purple Coneflower | Dry prairies, barrens, glades. | MB and SK couth to w. LA, c. TX, c. NM, and ne. AZ. | |
Asteraceae | Echinacea angustifolia var. strigosa | | Prairies. | S. KS south through OK to nc. TX, largely east of the distribution of Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia. | |
Asteraceae | Echinacea atrorubens | Topeka Purple Coneflower | Tallgrass and blackland prairies, limestone and sandstone glades and woodlands. | E. KS south through OK to se. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Echinacea laevigata | Smooth Purple Coneflower | Open woodlands and glades over mafic or calcareous rocks, such as diabase, limestone, and dolostone, rarely in oak-pine savannas of the upper Coastal Plain over circumneutral clay sediments. | c. and w. VA south through c. NC to c. and w. SC and ne. GA; disjunct in Piedmont of PA (where extirpated). | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea pallida | Pale Purple Coneflower | Dry prairies, open dry woodlands, roadsides (introduced eastwards in our area). | ON west to MI, WI, and ne. NE, south to IN, LA, and TX; disjunct eastward in TN, AL, GA, SC, NC, and VA (where probably but uncertainly native). | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea paradoxa var. neglecta | Arbuckle Purple Coneflower, Bush's Purple Coneflower, Neglected Coneflower, Wallflower Coneflower | Rocky prairies and woodlands. | Endemic to the Arbuckle Mountains, OK; reported for se. TX (Kartesz 2015, 2021); reported for TX from an 1843 Lindheimer specimen without locality. | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea paradoxa var. paradoxa | Yellow Coneflower | Limestone and dolomite glades, prairies, and savannas. | Ozarks of MO, n. AR, and ne. OK. | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea purpurea | Eastern Purple Coneflower | Open woodlands, roadsides, some of the occurrences persistent or spread from cultivation. | OH, WI, and IA south to Panhandle FL and TX; introduced more broadly as in ne. United States and ON, the exact limits of the native distribution unclear. | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea sanguinea | Sanguine Purple Coneflower, Happy Coneflower | Sandy prairies and longleaf and shortleaf pinelands. | Sw. AR and se. OK south to s. LA and e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea simulata | Prairie Purple Coneflower, Glade Coneflower | Prairies, dry open woodlands, roadsides. | IN, IL, and MO south to KY, TN, and n. AR; some of the more eastern disjunct populations previously considered to be E. pallida are actually E. simulata; additional work is needed to disentangle the relative distributions of these two species in our area. GA native populations (Floyd Co.) are E. simulata. | 
Asteraceae | Echinacea tennesseensis | Tennessee Purple Coneflower | Calcareous glades. | Endemic to the Nashville Basin of c. TN (Davidson, Rutherford, & Wilson counties) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997). | 
Asteraceae | Echinops | Globe-thistle | | | 
Asteraceae | Echinops exaltatus | | | | |
Asteraceae | Echinops sphaerocephalus | Globe-thistle | Roadsides, edges of railroad tracks, disturbed areas. | Native of Europe and w. Asia. Reported as introduced as far south as se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993) and VA (Fernald 1950; Keil in FNA 2006a). Its occurrence in VA has recently been verified (C.N. Horn, pers. comm., 2006). | 
Asteraceae | Eclipta | | | | 
Asteraceae | Eclipta prostrata | Eclipta, Pie-plant, Botoncillo, Botón Blanco, Clavel de Pozo, Yerba de Tajo | Moist or wet disturbed areas, ditches, shores, disturbed bottomlands. | MA west to WI, south to s. FL and TX, and southward into the tropics. | 
Asteraceae | Egletes | Tropic-Daisy | | | 
Asteraceae | Egletes viscosa | Tropical Daisy | Seasonally flooded palm groves, disturbed wet areas. | S. TX (Cameron County) south to TAM, VER, and many other Mexican states. | 
Asteraceae | Elephantopus | Elephant's-foot | | | 
Asteraceae | Elephantopus carolinianus | Leafy Elephant's-foot | Mesic to dry forests and woodlands. | S. NJ west to KS, south to s. FL and e. TX; allegedly West Indies, but probably only by introduction. | 
Asteraceae | Elephantopus elatus | Southern Elephant's-foot | Pine flatwoods and longleaf pine sandhills. | E. SC south to s. FL, west to se. LA, on the Coastal Plain. | 
Asteraceae | Elephantopus nudatus | Coastal Plain Elephant’s-foot | Woodlands and woodland borders, wet pine flatwoods, mesic pine flatwoods. | DE south to n. peninsular FL, west to e. TX and AR, primarily on the Coastal Plain. | 
Asteraceae | Elephantopus tomentosus | Common Elephant’s-foot | Woodlands and woodland borders, usually fairly dry. | MD south to Panhandle FL and wc. FL (Hernando county), west to e. TX, north in the interior to w. NC and KY. | 
Asteraceae | Emilia | Tasselflower | | | 
Asteraceae | Emilia fosbergii | Salmon Tasselflower, Cupid’s-shaving-brush | Disturbed areas, flower beds, landscaping. | Native of Old World tropics. Scattered as an introduction in FL, including the Panhandle; reported for Lowndes County, GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009). Nelson & Kelly (1997) reported E. sonchifolia, but actually based on specimens of E. fosbergii. | 
Asteraceae | Emilia praetermissa | Pale Tasselflower | Disturbed areas, roadsides, urban areas. | Native to West Africa, naturalized in n. and c. FL. Documented from n. and c. FL in 2023 (Alex de la Paz, pers.comm., 2023). | |
Asteraceae | Emilia sonchifolia var. sonchifolia | Lilac Tasselflower, Cupid's-shaving-brush | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Old World tropics. It is unclear how well established Emilia is in the northern part of our area. See Anderson (2007) for FL Panhandle record. | 
Asteraceae | Engelmannia | Engelmann Daisy | | | 
Asteraceae | Engelmannia peristenia | Engelmann Daisy | Prairies, disturbed areas. | SD south to sw. AR, s. TX, NM, e. AZ, and n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM). One collection from e. LA (waif, L. Urbatsch 8422). | 
Asteraceae | Enydra | | | | 
Asteraceae | Enydra fluctuans | Buffalo-spinach | Ditches, canals, other aquatic situations. | Native of the Old World tropics. | 
Asteraceae | Erechtites | Fireweed | | | 
Asteraceae | Erechtites hieraciifolius | Fireweed, American Burnweed | In disturbed soil in nearly all habitats except the extremely xeric, present in most parts of the modern (beat-up) landscape at least as seedlings, liable to turn up at the smallest disturbance (such as small tree-fall tip-up mounds or campfires, even in large natural areas), most abundant in areas extensively disturbed or scarified by timber-harvest, bulldozing, or severe fire. | NL (Newfoundland) west to SK, south to s. FL and e. TX; West Indies; tropical America. | 
Asteraceae | Erechtites megalocarpus | Coastal Marsh Fireweed, Marsh Burnweed | Coastal marshes (brackish or salty). | MA to NJ (and should additionally be sought further south). | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron | Daisy Fleabane | | | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron allisonii | Cedar Glade Daisy Fleabane | Limestone glades. | Central basin of TN (Allison & Stevens 2001), nw. GA (GANHP), n. AL, MS (Chickasaw Co.), and swc. KY (Pennyroyal Plain, Warren County) (Brock 2020). | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron annuus | Annual Fleabane | Roadsides, disturbed areas, gardens. | NL (Newfoundland) west to MB, south to Panhandle FL and TX. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron bellidiastrum var. robustus | Western Daisy Fleabane | Open, sandy loam soils. | NE and CO south to c. OK, w. TX, and NM. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron bellioides | Bellorita | Moist disturbed areas. | Native of the West Indies. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron bonariensis | South American Horseweed | Fields, disturbed areas. | Apparently native of South America. Se. VA south into the tropics. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron canadensis | Common Horseweed | Old fields, disturbed areas, roadsides, gardens. | S. Canada south through nearly all of the United States to tropical America. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron divaricatus | | Lawns, roadsides, other weedy situations. | OH west to MN, south to KY, ec. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), ne. AL, LA, and c. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron dolomiticola | Cahaba Daisy Fleabane | Calcareous Ketona glades. | Endemic to Bibb County, AL (Allison & Stevens 2001). | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron flagellaris | Running Fleabane | Open areas. | SD, MT, AB south to nc. TX, w. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, SLP, SON, TAM, ZAC). | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron geiseri | Basin Fleabane | Open, sandy areas. | Sc. OK south to e., se., and s. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron laevigatus | Manzanilla Horseweed | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron modestus | Plains Fleabane | Dry, calcareous open areas. | Sw. KS, c. and w. OK, c. and w. TX, NM, and AZ, south to Mexico. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus | Philadelphia-daisy | Roadsides, meadows, disturbed areas. | NL (Newfoundland) west to BC, south to n. FL, TX, NM, CA, and (?) Mexico. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron procumbens | Corpus Christi Fleabane | Moist to dry coastal areas, including marsh edges. | S. MS (historical), LA, TX, Mexico (SLP, TAM, VER). | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron pulchellus var. brauniae | | River scours, moist to dry upland forests. | MD, WV, and s. OH south to KY. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus | Robin's-plantain | Moist slopes, coves, limestone bluffs, trail margins, roadbanks. | ME west to MN, south to Panhandle FL (Jackson County), GA, and e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron pusillus | Southern Horseweed | Dunes, brackish marsh edges, coastal sand flats, sand prairies, old fields, disturbed areas, barrens and glades. | Se. MA and CT west to s. IN, south to FL and TX, and south into tropical America. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron quercifolius | Oak-leaved Fleabane | Sandy roadsides, disturbed areas. | Se. VA south to s. FL, west to FL Panhandle; Bahamas. Nesom (2006bb) pointed out that putative records from further west are based on misidentifications; these are likely E. tenuis. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron strigosus var. septentrionalis | | Roadsides, disturbed areas. | Scattered in n. North America, south to NY, TN (FNA), AR, OK, WY, CA. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron strigosus var. strigosus | Common Rough Fleabane, White-top | Roadsides, disturbed areas; open woodlands. | NS west to WA, south to c. peninsular FL and TX. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron strigosus var. traversii | Travers's Rough Fleabane | Longleaf pinelands. | W. LA and e. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron sumatrensis | | Disturbed areas. | Native of the Paleotropics. | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron tenellus | Rio Grande Fleabane | Exposed loamy soils of palm woodlands, brushlands, disturbed areas. | S. TX (Cameron and Hidalgo counties) south to c. Mexico (COA, MIC, NLE, TAM). | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron tenuis | Midwestern Fleabane | Prairies, open woodlands, other open habitats, disturbed areas. | FL Panhandle (Okaloosa County), s. GA and AL west to se. KS, w. OK, and c. and s. TX. Reported for w. NC (Nesom 1980); but later discounted (Nesom in FNA 2006b). | 
Asteraceae | Erigeron tracyi | Running Fleabane | Prairies. | C. OK, sw. KS, CO, UT, and NV south to c. and w. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron traversii | West Gulf Coastal Plain Fleabane | Longleaf pinelands and associated disturbed sandy habitats. | W. LA west to e. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Erigeron vernus | Whitetop Fleabane | Wet pine savannas, seepages, interdunal swales. | E. VA south to s. FL, west to e. LA; disjunct in w. LA (Allen Parish). | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium | Eupatorium, Thoroughwort, Dog-fennel | | | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium ×pinnatifidum | Lacyleaf Eupatorium | Pine flatwoods, marshes. | E. VA south to Panhandle FL. | |
Asteraceae | Eupatorium ×truncatum | Truncate Eupatorium | Moist, open areas, ditches, roadsides. | NY, MI, and IA, south to NC, AL, MS, and w. LA. | |
Asteraceae | Eupatorium album | White-bracted Thoroughwort | Dry woodlands. | CT, NY, OH, and TN, south to FL and LA; disjunct in s. AR and n. LA (though many populations previously considered to be. E. album west of the Mississippi River are E. sullivaniae). | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium altissimum | Tall Thoroughwort | Woodlands, old fields, woodland borders, and openings over mafic rocks (such as diabase) or calcareous rocks (such as limestone and calcareous sandstone). | CT, NY, QC, MN, and NE, south to Panhandle FL and TX, primarily in the midwest, especially on limestone substrates, and uncommon east of the mountains. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium anomalum | Anomalous Eupatorium | Moist pine savannas, coastal plain pondshores, moist interdune swales. | Se. NC south to ne. FL, west to s. MS. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium cannabinum | Hemp-agrimony | Disturbed areas; perhaps merely a waif or garden remnant. | Native of Europe. The documentation for VA is an 1899 specimen from Fairfax County and a record from Westmoreland County. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium capillifolium | Common Dog-fennel, Yankeeweed, Cypressweed, Horsetail | Disturbed soils, old fields, clearcuts. This species, like E. compositifolium, is an excellent indicator of soil disturbance. | CT, PA, KY, MO, and OK south to s. FL and TX; Bahamas; Cuba. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium compositifolium | Coastal Dog-fennel, Yankeeweed | Longleaf pine sandhills, sandy disturbed areas, exposed riverbanks and drawdown zones. | Ne. NC south to s. FL, west to se. OK and TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium cordigerum | Clasping Roundleaf Eupatorium | Woodlands. | VA, NC, and SC west to AR and MS. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium fernaldii | Fernald’s Eupatorium | Dry to mesic woodlands and roadbanks. | Sw. NC, nw. SC, and ne. GA; perhaps more widespread. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium glaucescens | Wedgeleaf Eupatorium, Broadleaf Bushy Eupatorium | Longleaf pine sandhills, dry sandy woodlands. | Widespread in the Southeastern Coastal Plain, ranging from se. VA south to FL and west to MS and e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium godfreyanum | Godfrey's Eupatorium | Dry woodlands. | NJ, MD, and WV south through VA to nc. NC and TN, reaching its greatest abundance in wc. VA. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium hyssopifolium | Hyssopleaf Eupatorium | Woodlands and oak savannas, roadbanks, pastures, fields, disturbed areas, over calcareous and acidic substrates. | MA west to nc. KY, s. IN (S. Namestnik, pers.comm., 2022), s.IL, se. MO, south to ne. FL and se. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium lancifolium | Lanceleaf Eupatorium | Prairies, open woodlands. | MS west to s. AR and e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium leptophyllum | Limesink Dog-fennel | Limesink depression ponds (dolines) in the outer Coastal Plain and clay-based Carolina bays in the inner Coastal Plain. | Se. NC south to FL and west to s. GA and s. AL; Bahamas; Cuba. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium leucolepis | Savanna Eupatorium, Justiceweed | Pine savannas, seepage bogs, depression ponds. | Primarily of the Southeastern Coastal Plain, ranging from NY south to n. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and west to LA; disjunct in Coffee County, TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium linearifolium | Narrowleaf Bushy Eupatorium, Twisted Eupatorium | Longleaf pine sandhills. | Se. VA south to FL and west to LA. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium maritimum | Maritime Thoroughwort | Dune swales, other moist to wet areas on barrier islands. | Apparently endemic in e. VA and e. NC. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium mikanioides | Semaphore Thoroughwort | Saline and brackish flats, seasonally ponded freshwater wetlands, wet flatwoods, marl prairies. | Endemic to FL, primarily in the peninsula, but also along the coast of the eastern Panhandle (Bay, Franklin, Gulf, Taylor, and Wakulla counties). | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium mohrii | Mohr's Eupatorium | Moist pine savannas, other wet habitats. | Se. VA south to s. FL and west to TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium paludicola | Bay Boneset | Pondcypress savannas, clay-based bays, and depression ponds. | Endemic to s. NC and SC. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium perfoliatum | Boneset | Marshes, swamps, bogs, wet pastures, and other wet habitats. | NS west to MB, south to n. peninsular FL and TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium petaloideum | Snowy White Eupatorium | Longleaf pine sandhills, Florida scrub, other dryish pinelands. | GA south to FL, west to MS. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium pilosum | Ragged Eupatorium | Longleaf pine savannas, bogs, other wetlands, other moist areas, but also sometimes in surprisingly dry habitats, such as mesic and dry-mesic woodlands and woodland edges. | MA south to c. peninsular FL, west to KY, c. TN, and MS; reports from w. LA need checking. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium pubescens | Inland Roundleaf Eupatorium | Forests and woodlands, woodland edges, roadbanks. | Primarily in the Appalachians and adjacent provinces, ranging from ME west to OH, south to n. GA, n. AL, AR and LA; the distribution, abundance, and phenology of E. pubescens need additional study because of frequent lumping with E. rotundifolium. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium recurvans | Recurved Eupatorium | Longleaf pine sandhills, other dry, sandy habitats, moist savannas. | Se. NC south to GA and s. FL. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium resinosum | Resinous Boneset, Pinebarren Eupatorium | Seepage bogs, beaver ponds, frequently burned streamhead pocosins, in the Sandhills and inner Coastal Plain of sc. NC. | A "bimodal endemic," known from the NJ, DE (formerly), and NY (Long Island, formerly), thence disjunct to the Sandhills and upper Coastal Plain of NC and SC. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium rotundifolium | Common Roundleaf Eupatorium | Pine savannas, seepage bogs, moist to dry woodlands, roadsides. | MA, NY, IN, and OK south to s. FL and TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium saltuense | Tall Boneset, Pasture Eupatorium | Upland forests, woodland borders, marsh edges. | Known from e. and c. VA and NC | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium scabridum | Roughleaf Eupatorium | Pine savannas, wet pinelands, dry, gravelly oak savannas and probably oak-shortleaf pine savannas and open woodlands, powerlines, roadbanks (in grassland remnants). | SC south to n. FL, west to AR, LA, and OK. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium semiserratum | | Swamp forests, seepage bogs, savannas, clay-based Carolina bays, other wetlands. | Se. VA south to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, west to TX and AR; disjunct in sc. TN. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium serotinum | Late Eupatorium | Interdune swales, bottomland forests and openings, fields, open forests, powerline rights-of-way, tidal marshes, disturbed areas. | MA, NY, MI, WI, MN, and NE south to s. FL, LA, and TX. A weedy species that has expanded in abundance and range; it was at one time apparently largely or strictly coastal in our area, but has spread inland rapidly along corridors of disturbance, somewhat similarly to Baccharis halimifolia. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium sessilifolium var. brittonianum | Britton's Eupatorium | Circumneutral soils of woodlands at moderate elevations. | NH and MN, south to NJ, PA, MD, w. NC, KY, and MO. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium sessilifolium var. sessilifolium | Sessile-leaf Eupatorium | Open upland woodlands and woodland borders, especially calcareous or mafic. | S. NH west to se. MN, south to n. GA, n. AL, n. MS, n. AR, and e. KS. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium species 1 | Tennessee Eupatorium | Forest. | E. TN (Unicoi County). | |
Asteraceae | Eupatorium subvenosum | Pine Barrens Eupatorium | Pine barrens, open woodlands. | NY (Long Island) and NJ south to DE and DC. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium sullivaniae | Sullivan’s Eupatorium | Pinelands. | AR s. to w. LA (to be expected in e. TX and perhaps se. OK). | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium torreyanum | Torrey's Eupatorium | Dry woodlands, powerline rights-of-way, roadsides, marshes. | NY south to n. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and west to OH, TN, and LA. | 
Asteraceae | Eupatorium vaseyi | Vasey's Eupatorium | Moist to dry woodlands and openings, fire-maintained woodlands over mafic rocks (such as diabase). | Various interpretations of this taxon have led to confusions and uncertainties regarding its distribution; Schilling (2011) shows records for e. TN and sc. KY and a recent discovery on Crowley's Ridge in AR (Witsell, pers. comm., 2017) represent the only confirmed distribution, but it should be sought elsewhere. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia | Wood-aster | | | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia ×herveyi | | | | |
Asteraceae | Eurybia avita | Alexander's Rock Aster | In shallow soils on granitic flatrocks and granitic domes where moist from seasonal seepage. | Upper Piedmont endemic: w. SC to wc. GA. Previous reports from the NC Blue Ridge are based on misidentifications of E. surculosa. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia chlorolepis | Blue Ridge White Heart-leaved Aster | Northern hardwood forests, spruce-fir forests. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: sw. VA south through w. NC and e. TN to nw. SC and n. GA (Lamboy 1992); also reported for scattered locations in WV (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006), probably erroneously. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia compacta | Slender Aster | Pine savannas, hardpan woodlands, clearings. | NJ to e. GA, mainly on the Coastal Plain, but also in the lower Piedmont. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia divaricata | Common White Heart-leaved Aster | Moist to fairly dry forests and woodlands. | N. NH west to s. ON, sw. QC, and n. OH, south to e. NC, c. SC, n. GA, and c. AL. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia eryngiifolia | Eryngo-leaved Aster | Wet pine savannas and pineland bogs. | East Gulf Coastal Plain endemic: sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to se. AL. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia furcata | Forked Wood-aster, Midwestern White Heart-leaved Aster | Bases and ledges of moist limestone and dolomite bluffs. | MI, WI, and c. IA south to nw. IN, c. IL, and s. MO. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia hemispherica | Prairie Grass-leaved Aster, Southern Pine Aster | Glades, barrens, rocky woodlands. | E. TN west to MO, south to nw. GA, se. GA, and FL Panhandle. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia jonesiae | Piedmont Big-leaved Aster | Moist forests. | Endemic to the Piedmont: e. GA west to e. AL (Lee and Cherokee cos.) (Barger et al. 2023). | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia macrophylla | Big-leaved Aster | Moist to dryish forests, in NC mostly at moderate to high elevations, particularly in red oak forests on ridgetops. | NB and QC west to MN, south to PA, MD, VA, NC, nw. SC, ne. GA, e. TN, and IN; disjunct in scattered sites in MO and nw. AR. Known in SC from at least Greenville County (S. Tessel, pers. comm., 2023). Reported for AL (Colbert County) by Keener et al. (2024). | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia mirabilis | Piedmont Aster | Nutrient-rich bottomlands and moist slopes in the lower Piedmont. | Endemic to the lower Piedmont of NC and SC. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia paludosa | Savanna Grass-leaved Aster | Wet pine savannas, hillside seepage bogs, longleaf pine sandhill / pocosin ecotones. | An Atlantic Coastal Plain endemic: ne. NC south to se. GA and ne. FL (Nassau County). | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia radula | Low Rough Aster | Circumneutral to calcareous wet meadows, possibly stream banks. | NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) south to DE (historically), MD, WV, and w. VA. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia saxicastelli | Rockcastle Wood-aster | Boulder/cobble bars along the Rockcastle River. | Endemic to the Cumberland Plateau region of KY and n. TN (Scott County, TN) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia schreberi | Schreber's Aster | Mesic forests and seepage slopes. | S. ME and NH south to DE, MD, sc. and w. VA, ne. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), KY, and s. IN; disjunct in WI, e. IA, and n. IL | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia spectabilis | Low Showy Aster | Pine barrens, dry road banks. | Coastal Plain (and rarely adjacent provinces) from MA south to SC; disjunct in AL. | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia spinulosa | Apalachicola Aster | Longleaf pine savannas. | Endemic to Panhandle FL (Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, and Franklin counties). | 
Asteraceae | Eurybia surculosa | Creeping Aster | Rock outcrops, glades, rocky woodlands. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: se. KY and w. VA south to w. NC, e. TN, nw. SC, and n. GA. Alleged occurrences of E. surculosa on the Coastal Plain in se. SC and e. GA are based on misidentifications of E. compacta. | 
Asteraceae | Euryops | | | | 
Asteraceae | Euryops chrysanthemoides | African Bushdaisy | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia | Goldentop, Flat-topped Goldenrod | | | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia caroliniana | Carolina Goldentop | Pine savannas, moist forests, ditches, pastures, disturbed areas. | S. MA south to s. FL and west to se. LA, mainly on the Coastal Plain, extending somewhat into the Piedmont in places (reports from farther north or farther west are based on misidentifications or on broader circumscriptions of the taxon). | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia floribunda | Mid-Atlantic Goldentop | Fresh and salt water marshes, disturbed wet areas, sand pits and ditches, canal banks, agricultural field edges, roadsides, sandy meadows, pine barrens. | NJ and e. PA south mainly near the coast to e. NC. | |
Asteraceae | Euthamia graminifolia | Northern Smooth Goldentop | Moist to dry weedy situations, riverbanks, bottomlands, bog margins. | NL (Newfoundland) and MB south to MD, c. VA, WV, w. NC, MI, WI, CO, and NM. | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia graminifolia var. nuttallii | Nuttall's Goldentop | Moist to dry weedy situations, riverbanks, bottomlands, bog margins. | NL (Newfoundland) south to se. VA, w. NC, KY, nw. TN and MO. | |
Asteraceae | Euthamia gymnospermoides | Texas Goldentop, Viscid Euthamia | Prairies, roadsides, and light woodlands. | MI, nw. MN, and e. ND south to c. IN, sw. KY (Graves Co), w. TN (Hardeman, Lawrence counties), ec. and c. AR, ne. TX, w. OK, and e. CO.; disjunct in Coffee Co. TN. | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia hirtipes | Marsh Goldentop | Brackish marshes, salt marshes, marsh edges, wet hammocks. | S. NJ and DE south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AL. | |
Asteraceae | Euthamia lanceolata | Northern Hairy Goldentop | Open, moist habitats. | ME west to WI, south to e. and c. VA, w. NC, s. TN, and MO. | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia leptocephala | Narrowhead Goldentop | Fields, pastures, roadsides, prairies, savannas. | W. KY, s. IL, se. MO, and se. OK south to nw. GA (Floyd and Heard counties), sc. AL, and se. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia oklahomensis | Oklahoma Goldentop | Bogs and wet areas, sloughs, open riparian forests. | Known only from se. OK (at the southwestern tip of the Ouachita Mountain uplift). | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia pulverulenta | Texas Goldentop | Coastal prairies. | Sw. LA west to s. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Euthamia remota | Great Lakes Goldentop | Sandy, sandy-gravelly, and sandy sedge-peat shores of lakes and
intermittent wetlands, usually kept bare by occasional inundation, rarely in shallow water, interdunal flats and swales, dry and drying lake beds, sandy roadsides. | MI (including Upper Peninsula) south through MI and WI to s. ON, nw. IN, and ne. IL. | |
Asteraceae | Euthamia scabra | Gulf Coast Goldentop | Estuarine and near-estuarine areas, brackish marshes, wet pine savannas, ditches. | FL Panhandle west to e. LA. | 
Asteraceae | Euthamia tenuifolia | Northeastern Goldentop | | S. ME and ne. NY south to se. PA, e. MD, and se. VA; disjunct in NS; also around the Great Lakes. | |
Asteraceae | Euthamia weakleyi | | Brackish marshes, salt marshes, marsh edges, wet hammocks. | S. NJ and DE south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AL. | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium | Joe-Pye-weed | | | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium dubium | Three-nerved Joe-pye-weed | Swamp forests, pocosins, small stream margins and streamheads, other wet, acidic habitats. | NS, s. ME, and NH south to se. SC, on or near the Coastal Plain. Reported as adventive in West Virginia (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006). | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium fistulosum | Hollow-stem Joe-pye-weed, Trumpetweed | Moist forests, marshes, fields, ditches. | S. ME, NY, s. MI, IL, and MO, south to c. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium maculatum var. maculatum | Spotted Joe-pye-weed | Marl fens, wet calcareous meadows, cove forests, grassy balds. | The species is widespread across n. North America: NL (Newfoundland), ME, QC, ON, and MN, south to PA, OH, n. KY, c. IL, and c. IA, and in the Mountains south to e. WV, w. VA, and w. NC. | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium purpureum var. carolinianum | Carolina Joe-Pye-weed | Dry forests, woodlands, oak savannas, and roadsides. | Sc. NC south to SC. | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium purpureum var. holzingeri | Midwestern Joe-pye-weed | Bottomland and upland forests, streambanks. | WI and MN south to n. IL, MO, AR, and e. KS. | |
Asteraceae | Eutrochium purpureum var. purpureum | Purple-node Joe-pye-weed | Upland, usually mesic forests. | NH west to se. MN, IA, and e. NE, south to SC, GA, Panhandle FL, n. LA, and e. OK. | 
Asteraceae | Eutrochium steelei | Appalachian Joe-pye-weed, Steele's Joe-pye-weed | Cove hardwood and northern hardwood forests, up to at least 1600 m. | A Southern Appalachian endemic: e. KY, w. VA, and s. WV (Vanderhorst et al. 2019), south w. NC and e. TN. | 
Asteraceae | Facelis | | | | 
Asteraceae | Facelis retusa | Trampweed | Fields, roadsides, lawns, disturbed areas. | Native of s. South America. | 
Asteraceae | Filago | Cotton-rose, Herba Impia, Rabbit-tobacco | | | 
Asteraceae | Filago germanica | Herba Impia | Disturbed areas. | Native of Europe. | 
Asteraceae | Flaveria | | | | 
Asteraceae | Flaveria bidentis | | Disturbed areas. | Native of tropical America. FL Panhandle, s. and wc. FL, s. AL, e. GA. | 
Asteraceae | Flaveria brownii | Brown's Yellowtops | Saline areas along the coast. | Endemic to s. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Flaveria campestris | Alkali Yellowtops | Alkaline soils. | KS west to UT, south to c. TX, NM, and AZ. | |
Asteraceae | Flaveria floridana | Florida Yellowtops | Brackish marshes, beaches, coastal strands, disturbed areas by the coast. | West coast of peninsular FL. | 
Asteraceae | Flaveria linearis | Narrowleaf Yellowtops | Beaches, marshes, hammocks, pinelands. | Native in peninsular and Panhandle FL; Bahamas; West Indies. | 
Asteraceae | Flaveria trinervia | Clustered Yellowtops | Marsh edges, disturbed uplands, waste areas around wool-combing mill, ore piles, seaport ballast, only a waif northwards and in some sites in the deep south. | Native of sw. United States south into Central America, South America, and the West Indies (Nesom 2004d). Known from ballast at Mobile, AL (Cronquist 1980). | 
Asteraceae | Fleischmannia | | | | 
Asteraceae | Fleischmannia incarnata | Pink Thoroughwort, Pink Eupatorium | Nutrient-rich, moist to dry, forests and woodlands over diabase, limestone, coquina limestone, or other basic rocks, or on rich alluvium. | Se. VA west to WV, s. OH, s. IN, s. IL, s. MO, and e. OK, south to w. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, s. TX, and e. Mexico (NLE, TAM, VER), the distribution oddly semi-fragmented. | 
Asteraceae | Florestina | Florestina | | | 
Asteraceae | Florestina tripteris | Florestina | Open areas, disturbed area. | C., s., and w. TX and n. Mexico. | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia | Blanket-flower, Gaillardia, Fire-wheels | | | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia ×grandiflora | Blanketflower | A waif from horticultural use. | A garden hybrid. | |
Asteraceae | Gaillardia aestivalis var. 1 | | Grasslands and open woodlands, on sandy soils. | KS south through w. AR and OK to c. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis | Sandhill Gaillardia, Prairie Gaillardia | Longleaf pine sandhills (especially in flats or dips with loamy soils), prairies, adjacent disturbed areas. | Sc. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to KS and e. and se. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia aestivalis var. austrotexana | South Texas Gaillardia | Sandy areas. | C. TX south to se. and s. TX south to TAM. | |
Asteraceae | Gaillardia aestivalis var. flavovirens | Yellow Sandhill Gaillardia, Yellow Prairie Gaillardia | Longleaf pine sandhills, sandy prairies. | Panhandle FL west to s. MO and se. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia aestivalis var. winkleri | Pineywoods Gaillardia | Longleaf pine sandhills, especially in opening or clearings. | Endemic to e. TX (notably or only Hardin, Newton, and Tyler counties). | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia amblyodon | Maroon Blanket-flower | Sandy prairies and woodlands. | E., se., and s. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia aristata | Great Blanketflower, Great Gaillardia | An old waif. | MB west to BC, south to MN, SD, w. NE, NM, AZ, and OR; adventive elsewhere. | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia pulchella var. australis | | Sandy soils. | Sc. TX south into Mexico. | |
Asteraceae | Gaillardia pulchella var. drummondii | Beach Blanket-flower | Dunes, sandy flats behind the dunes, roadsides and vacant lots on barrier islands. | Ne. NC south to FL, west to TX; Bahamas. Probably native only in TX (Franck 2020). | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia pulchella var. pulchella | Common Blanket-flower | Prairies, other open habitats, disturbed areas. | MO, NE, CO, and AZ south to w. LA, TX, and Mexico; also naturalized eastwards, the pre-settlement distribution obscure. | 
Asteraceae | Gaillardia suavis | Rayless Gaillardia, Perfume-ball | Calcareous and sandy-calcareous or gyp prairies. | KS south through OK to s. TX and Mexico (COA, NLE, TAM). | |
Asteraceae | Galinsoga | Peruvian-daisy, Quickweed, Gallant Soldier | | | 
Asteraceae | Galinsoga parviflora var. parviflora | Lesser Peruvian-daisy | Disturbed areas, roadsides, barnyards. | Native of Central and South America. | 
Asteraceae | Galinsoga quadriradiata | Common Peruvian-daisy, Devil’s-delight, Raceweed, Quickweed, Gallant Soldier | Disturbed areas, roadsides, barnyards. | Native of Central and South America. A serious weed, especially in the cooler climates of the Mountains; Small (1933) described it as "a particularly pestiferous weed of such rapid growth and seeding as to make eradication extremely difficult." Fortunately, it does not seem especially prone to invade undisturbed natural areas. | 
Asteraceae | Galinsogeopsis | | | | 
Asteraceae | Galinsogeopsis species 1 var. 1 | | Disturbed areas, in sandy loams in the lower Rio Grande Valley. | Native of s. AZ and Mexico; naturalized as a weed in s. TX and ne. Mexico. | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta | Cudweed, Everlasting | | | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta antillana | Caribbean Everlasting | Pine flatwoods, disturbed areas, fields, lawns. | VA south to s. FL, west to AR and TX; Cuba; South America; Europe (introduced); New Zealand (introduced). | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta argentina | | Disturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mill, presumably merely a waif. | Native of Argentina and Uruguay. | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta argyrinea | Silvery Cudweed | Disturbed areas, roadsides, fields, lawns. | DE, MD, WV, KY, s. MO, se. KS, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta calviceps | Narrow-leaf Purple Everlasting | Disturbed areas, roadsides. | VA south to FL, west to TX; South America, California (introduced); Europe (introduced), New Zealand (introduced). | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta chionesthes | White-cloaked Cudweed | Roadsides, disturbed areas. | Apparently not known from outside the se. United States (Freire et al. 2024). | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta impatiens | Elegant Cudweed | Sandy roadsides, disturbed areas. | Native of South America. | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Everlasting | Fields, roadsides, pastures, disturbed areas. | Probably native of South America. PA south to s. FL, west to TX, mostly on the Coastal Plain, and widespread in South America and elsewhere. | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta purpurea | Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting | Prairies, woodlands, fields, roadsides, pastures, disturbed areas. | ME west to MI, south to s. FL and e. TX; apparently disjunct in CA and OR, adventive in w. US, Mexico, South America, and elsewhere. | 
Asteraceae | Gamochaeta simplicicaulis | Single-stemmed Everlasting | Disturbed areas, roadsides. | Apparently native of South America. | 
Asteraceae | Garberia | Garberia | | | 
Asteraceae | Garberia heterophylla | Garber's Scrub Stars, Garberia | Florida scrub and sandhills, often on yellow sands. | Endemic from ne. FL south to c. peninsular FL. A T.G. Harbison specimen of this species (NCU9932) was labeled as being from Charleston, SC, based on its being pressed in a Charleston newspaper dated 1916-11-16, but is more parsimoniously interpreted as having been collected by Harbison when he was in FL later that month. | 
Asteraceae | Gerbera | Gerbera, Gerber-daisy, Transvaal Daisy | | | 
Asteraceae | Gerbera jamesonii | Transvaal Dairy | Suburban areas, from ornamental cultivation. | Native of South Africa. | 
Asteraceae | Glebionis | Chrysanthemum | | | 
Asteraceae | Glebionis coronaria | Garland Chrysanthemum, Crown-daisy | Disturbed areas. | Native of Eurasia, cultivated and escapes and occurs as waifs in our area. | |
Asteraceae | Glebionis segetum | Corn Marigold, Corn Chrysanthemum | Disturbed areas, trash heaps, field edges; commonly cultivated, rarely escaped, persistent, or as a waif. | Native of Mediterranean Europe, n. Africa, and w. Asia. | 
Asteraceae | Gnaphalium | Cudweed, Rabbit Tobacco | | | 
Asteraceae | Gnaphalium uliginosum | Low Cudweed | Open areas; in VA in high elevation openings, especially in ruts or mud-puddles, rocky places. | NL (Newfoundland) west to BC, south to VA, WV, OH, IN, MN, CO, UT, and OR; also Eurasia; sometimes considered introduced in North America. | 
Asteraceae | Grindelia | Gum-plant, Tarweed, Rosinweed, Gumweed | | | 
Asteraceae | Grindelia adenodonta | Gland-tooth Gumweed | Prairies, streamside thickets. | Nc. TX south to se. and s. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Grindelia camporum | Great Valley Gumweed | | | 
Asteraceae | Grindelia grandiflora | | | | |
Asteraceae | Grindelia lanceolata | Narrowleaf Gumweed | Limestone glades, limestone barrens, Black Belt chalk outcrops; also disturbed areas (roadsides, railroad beds, waste areas around wool-combing mills). | IL and MO south to TX; disjunct eastward in KY, TN, AL, and MS, and also a rare introduction farther east, such as in MD (Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp 2016). | 
Asteraceae | Grindelia microcephala | Little-head Gumweed | Poorly drained clay areas. | S. TX south to TAM. | |
Asteraceae | Grindelia nuda var. nuda | | Prairies. | Sw. KS and se. CO south to c. TX and w. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Grindelia oolepis | Plains Gumweed | "In tight, black clay-gumbo soil" (Correll & Johnston 1970). Also, apparently along roads and ditches and coastal prairies. "In early successional patches in coastal prairie on heavy clay soils, sometimes in disturbed habitats along railroads and vacant lots in urban areas; 'crawfish lands' " (Carr 2016). | Endemic to s. TX; expected in TAM. | |
Asteraceae | Grindelia pusilla | | | S. TX to ne. Mexico (COA). | |
Asteraceae | Grindelia squarrosa | Curly-top Gumweed | Roadsides, other disturbed areas. | ON west to BC, south to TX, CA, and n. Mexico (CHH, COA, and NLE); also adventive widely in the e. United States. | 
Asteraceae | Grindelia texana | Texas Gumweed | Prairies, disturbed open areas. | Sc. OK south to c. TX; disjunct in COA. | |
Asteraceae | Guizotia | Niger-seed | | | 
Asteraceae | Guizotia abyssinica | Niger-seed, Niger-thistle, Ramtilla | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. | 
Asteraceae | Gutierrezia | | | | 
Asteraceae | Gutierrezia sarothrae | Kindlingweed, Broom Snakeweed, Broomweed, Ironweed | Open, calcareous sites; eastwards in disturbed areas, such as waste areas around wool-combing mill. | MB, SK, and AB south to se. TX, s. TX, NM, AZ, CA and Mexico. See Nesom (2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Gutierrezia sphaerocephala | Roundhead Broomweed | Grasslands, roadsides, especially over limestone or other calcareous substrates. | N. TX, n. NM, and s. AZ south to s. TX and Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, HGO, NLE, QRO, SLP, TAM, ZAC). | 
Asteraceae | Gutierrezia texana var. glutinosa | | Grasslands. | S. TX, w. TX, and NM south to Mexico. | |
Asteraceae | Gutierrezia texana var. texana | Texas Snakeweed | Grasslands, prairies, roadsides, other disturbed areas (in waste around wool-combing mill, perhaps merely a waif). | Sw. AR and OK south to TX and Mexico. See Nesom (2004d) for report for wool-combing mills in SC. | 
Asteraceae | Gymnosperma | | | | 
Asteraceae | Gymnosperma glutinosum | Gumhead, Tatalencho | Gravelly, sandy, or calcareous dry grasslands and woodlands, an increaser under over-grazing of lands. | C. TX, c. NM, and c. AZ south through Mexico to Guatemala. | 
Asteraceae | Gynura | | | | 
Asteraceae | Gynura aurantiaca | Velvet-plant | Wet, disturbed area. | Native of se. Asia. | 
Asteraceae | Haplocarpha | | | | 
Asteraceae | Haplocarpha lyrata | One-Fruit | Disturbed areas. | Native of Africa. | 
Asteraceae | Hartwrightia | Hartwrightia | | | 
Asteraceae | Hartwrightia floridana | Hartwrightia | Seepages and wet pinelands. | Se. GA south to c. peninsular FL. | 
Asteraceae | Hasteola | | | | 
Asteraceae | Hasteola robertiorum | Roberts’ Indian-plantain, Gulf Hammock Indian-plantain | Wet hammocks, in organic muck along spring-fed, blackwater streams. | Endemic to Levy and Lake counties, FL (southern n. FL and n. peninsular FL). | 
Asteraceae | Hasteola suaveolens | Sweet Indian-plantain | Sandy bottomlands, low rich forests, and riverbanks. | MA, NY, n. OH, n. IN, c. WI and se. MN, south to n. VA, sw. VA, sw. NC, wc. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and se. MO; apparently rare through much of its range. | 
Asteraceae | Hedypnois | Cretan-weed | | | 
Asteraceae | Hedypnois rhagadioloides | Cretan-weed | Disturbed areas. | Native of Crete. Reported for Gulfport, Harrison Co. MS (H. Horne, pers. comm. 2015). | 
Asteraceae | Helenium | Sneezeweed, Bitterweed | | | 
Asteraceae | Helenium amarum | Bitterweed | Roadsides, overgrazed pastures, urban areas; in much of our area an introduction from farther west. | Apparently native to e. and c. TX; now widespread in e. North America. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium autumnale | Common Sneezeweed | Moist pastures, forests, woodlands, forest edges. | QC west to BC, south to n. peninsular FL, TX, and CA. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium badium | Bason Sneezeweed | Open areas; eastwards as a waif in waste areas around a wool-combing mill (Nesom 2004d). | Native of OK, TX, and Mexico. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium brevifolium | Shortleaf Sneezeweed | Seepage bogs, river-scoured cobble bars. | H. brevifolium has a peculiar distribution, reaching its greatest abundance on the Gulf Coastal Plain, from Panhandle FL west to e. LA, and occurring at widely scattered disjunct sites in c. and n. AL, wc. GA, c. and w. NC, ec. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and sw. and se. VA. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium campestre | Arkansas Sneezeweed | Prairies, streamsides, wet woodlands, fields, ditches. | N. AR south to nw. LA. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium drummondii | Fringed Sneezeweed | Ditches. | W. LA west to e. TX. Reported as well for e. LA and MS (Kartesz 2010); not so reported in Kartesz (2015, 2020). Reported for FL (without locality (Wunderlin, Hansen, & Franck 2020). | 
Asteraceae | Helenium elegans | | Calcareous soils, ditches, washes, along streams; eastwards in waste areas around wool-combing mill, perhaps only a waif. | Sw. AR and s. OK south to sc. TX. See Nesom (2004d). | 
Asteraceae | Helenium flexuosum | Southern Sneezeweed | Moist pastures, moist forests, riverbanks, wet pine rocklands (in s. FL). | S. ME west to MN, south to c. peninsular FL and TX; disjunct in s. FL. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium linifolium | Slimleaf Sneezeweed | Sandy soils, ditches, pastures. | Endemic to s. TX. | |
Asteraceae | Helenium microcephalum | Smallhead Sneezeweed | Ditches, washes, eastwards as a waif in waste areas around wool-combing mills (Nesom 2004d). | Native of OK, TX, NM, CO, and Mex. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium pinnatifidum | Savanna Sneezeweed | Wet pine savannas and adjacent ditches. | A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. NC south to s. FL, west to Panhandle FL, sw. GA, and s. AL. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium quadridentatum | | Moist soils of pond edges, streambanks, and ditches. | AL west to TX, south to Mexico and Central America; Cuba. The occurrence in SC reported by Rydberg (1915), Small (1933), and Kartesz (1999) is likely an introduction. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium vernale | | Wet pine savannas and adjacent ditches. | Se. NC south to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, and west to e. LA. | 
Asteraceae | Helenium virginicum | Virginia Sneezeweed | Seasonal sinkhole ponds and clearings where such ponds once occurred. | H. virginicum is bimodally endemic in VA (Augusta and Rockingham counties, VA, where a series of sinkhole ponds (dolines) on acid colluvium support numerous Coastal Plain disjuncts) and MO (Ozarkian highlands); also recently discovered in IN. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus | Sunflower | | | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus agrestis | Southeastern Sunflower | Floodplain marshes, mucky areas in pine flatwoods. | S. GA south to s. FL. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus angustifolius | Narrowleaf Sunflower | Pine savannas, ditches, marshes, other wet habitats. | Primarily Coastal Plain, from Long Island, NY south to c. peninsular FL and west to TX, irregularly inland to OH, IN, and MO. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus annuus | Common Sunflower, Mirasol | Disturbed areas, often cultivated in gardens, sometimes cultivated in fields. | Native of the Plains states south into Mexico. This is the common cultivated sunflower grown for its flowers, seeds, and oil. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus argophyllus | Silverleaf Sunflower | Dunes and disturbed sandy soils. | Native of s. and se. TX. Heiser et al. (1969) noted a collection from NC, but stated their uncertainty as to its establishment. H. argophyllus is well-established near Captain Charlie's on Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, where it has apparently persisted and spread over the last 50 years (at least). | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus atrorubens | Appalachian Sunflower | Dry soils of rocky, sandy, or clayey woodlands and roadbanks. | N. VA west to w. TN, and south to c. GA, Panhandle FL, AL, and se. LA. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus carnosus | Flatwoods Sunflower | Wet pine flatwoods, wet prairies. | Endemic to ne. FL (Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Clay, Putnam, Flagler, and Volusia counties). | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus ciliaris | Texas Blueweed, Blueweed Sunflower | Along streams and canals. | KS west to CA, south to s. FL, NM, AZ, and Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, SLP, SON, TAM, ZAC). | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius | Cucumber-leaf Sunflower | Sandy soils of fields and roadsides. | Native from sw. GA and FL west to c. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus debilis ssp. debilis | East Florida Beach Sunflower | Sandy beaches and dunes. | East side of the FL peninsula from St. Johns County south to Monroe County, FL. Disjunct (probably adventive), at Pawleys Island, Georgetown County, SC. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus debilis ssp. silvestris | | Longleaf pine woodlands, other dry woodlands. | Endemic to e. TX. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus debilis ssp. tardiflorus | Gulf Coast Beach Sunflower | Sandy beaches, dry pinelands. | GA, FL, AL, and MS. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus debilis ssp. vestitus | West Florida Beach Sunflower | Coastal dunes. | W. coast of peninsular FL, Hernando County south to Lee County. | |
Asteraceae | Helianthus decapetalus | Forest Sunflower | Mesic woodlands and forests, oak savannas. | ME and QC west to WI and IA, south to GA and MO. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus divaricatus | Woodland Sunflower | Mesic to dry woodlands and forests, forest edges. | ME, QC, ON, and IA south to Panhandle FL, LA, and OK. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus dowellianus | Naked-stem Sunflower | Rocky or sandy flood-scoured riversides. | MD and DC (?) south to n. GA. Allegedly a Southern Appalachain endemic (perhaps occurring in the upper piedmont; the distribution needing verification). | |
Asteraceae | Helianthus eggertii | Eggert's Sunflower, Tennessee Sunflower | Limestone and diabase barrens. | Sc. KY, c. TN, n. AL, and sc. AL (Coastal Plain); disjunct in nc. SC. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus floridanus | Florida Sunflower | Wet pine savannas and pocosin edges. | A Southeastern Coastal Plain species: e. SC south to c. peninsular FL, and west to se LA. Populations from se. NC previously attributed to this species represent Helianthus species 2. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus giganteus | Tuberous Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower | Roadsides, woodland edges, bog edges, moist thickets, ditches. | NB and ME west to MN, south to n. SC, n. GA, e. and c. TN, c. KY, n. IN, n. IL, and WI. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus glaucophyllus | Whiteleaf Sunflower | Moist forests, woodlands, and woodland edges, at medium elevations, mostly from 1000-1500 m (but sometimes lower), generally flowering only when in a canopy gap (as caused by a tree-fall) or along banks of narrow roads. | A narrow Southern Appalachian endemic: w. NC, nw. SC, and ne. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus grosseserratus | Sawtooth Sunflower | Prairies, fens, pastures, roadsides, disturbed areas. | The original range of this species was apparently centered in OH, IN, IL, IA, and MO, but its exact extent is obscured by its subsequent spread. Reported for NC by Matthews & Mellichamp (1989). | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus heterophyllus | Savanna Sunflower | Wet pine savannas, seepage bogs. | A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. NC south to Panhandle FL and west to se. LA. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus hirsutus | Hairy Sunflower | Woodlands and other sunny or semi-sunny habitats. | PA and MN, south to n. FL and TX. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus laetiflorus | | Fields, woodland edges, disturbed areas; introduced from farther west. | Widely scattered in e. and c. North America. Perhaps a naturally hybrid-derived species in the Midwest, and introduced eastwards. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus laevigatus | Shale-barren Sunflower, Smooth Sunflower | On dry, rocky or shaly soils, on roadbanks, powerline rights-of-way, open woodlands, in the Carolinas nearly limited to the Carolina Slate Belt. | The primary range of H. laevigatus is in the mountains of c. and w. VA and e. WV, from whence it is disjunct to a few areas in the Piedmont of NC and SC, most notably the Carolina Slate Belt in Montgomery and Stanly counties, NC. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus longifolius | Longleaf Sunflower | Sandstone and granite glades and woodlands, loamy to xeric longleaf pine sandhills. | This species is apparently rare, occurring in ne. AL, nw. GA, south to sw. GA. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus maximilianii | Maximilian Sunflower | Moist roadsides and disturbed areas. | MI and MB west to BC and south to TX and Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE); introduced in the East. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus microcephalus | Small-headed Sunflower, Small Wood Sunflower | Dry woodlands and roadbanks. | PA west to MI, south to Panhandle FL and se. LA. | 
Asteraceae | Helianthus mollis | Ashy Sunflower, Gray Sunflower | Calcareous prairies and barrens, disturbed places. | Apparently native of the Midwest, centered in IN, IL, MO, AR, c. TN, and w. KY, its original distribution obscured by its subsequent spread. Native in nw. GA. | 