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Galium pilosum Aiton. Common name: Hairy Bedstraw. Phenology: May-Aug. Habitat: Forests, woodland borders, longleaf pine sandhills, prairies, coastal prairies, clearings. Distribution: S. NH west to MI, n. IL, MO, and KS, south to c. peninsular FL and TX.

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Taxonomy Comments: Two varieties have often been distinguished (see synonymy). Var pilosum has stems and leaves pubescent with spreading, straight hairs and has a wider distribution; var. puncticulosum has stems and leaves with short, upwardly curved hairs, and is more restricted to the south and east. These varieties need additional study.

Synonymy : = Ar, GrPl, Il, K3, K4, Mi, NcTx, Pa, S, Tn, Va, W, WV; = Galium pilosum Aiton var. pilosum – Tx; < Galium pilosum Aiton – Fl5, RAB, WH3; >? Galium pilosum Aiton ssp. pilosum – NY; > Galium pilosum Aiton var. pilosum – C, F, G, K1, NE, Tat; > Galium pilosum Aiton var. puncticulosum – C, F, G, K1, NE, Tat

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image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Sonnia Hill | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: A weakly ascending perennial growing in tufts and found in forests, woodland borders and clearings.

Stems: Stems 4-angled, simple (branched in inflorescence), softly hairy.

Leaves: Leaves in whorls of 4, sessile, to 1 in. long, elliptic, with 3 prominent veins, with glandular dots beneath and hairy on both surfaces.


Flowers: Flowers on hairy stalks in terminal and upper axillary panicles, greenish-white to purple-maroon, less than 1/4 in. wide, with 4 pointed petals.

Fruits: Fruit a brownish-black, dry capsule composed of 2 rounded lobes covered with hooked bristles and containing 1 seed per lobe.

Comments: Roots of this other Galium species contain a substance sometimes used as a red dye.

Height: 6-30 in.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: A weakly ascending perennial growing in tufts and found in forests, woodland borders and clearings.

stems: Stems 4-angled, simple (branched in inflorescence), softly hairy.

leaves: Leaves in whorls of 4, sessile, to 1 in. long, elliptic, with 3 prominent veins, with glandular dots beneath and hairy on both surfaces.


flowers: Flowers on hairy stalks in terminal and upper axillary panicles, greenish-white to purple-maroon, less than 1/4 in. wide, with 4 pointed petals.

fruits: Fruit a brownish-black, dry capsule composed of 2 rounded lobes covered with hooked bristles and containing 1 seed per lobe.

comments: Roots of this other Galium species contain a substance sometimes used as a red dye.

cultural notes:

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