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4 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeAlysicarpus glumaceusOn chrome ore piles.Native of the Paleotropics.
FabaceaeAlysicarpus ovalifoliusAlyce CloverDisturbed areas.Native of the Old World Tropics, planted as a forage crop (at least formerly), and rarely naturalized. The VA occurrence is from chrome ore piles in Newport News and presumably a waif. Present in the SC Coastal Plain (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).image of plant
FabaceaeAlysicarpus rugosusRed MoneywortDisturbed areas, fields, grown experimentally for forage or as a nitrogen-fixing cover crop.Native of tropical Asia and Africa.image of plant
FabaceaeAlysicarpus vaginalisRed MoneywortDisturbed areas.Native of the Paleotropics.