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Anemone berlandieri Pritzel. Section: Anemone. Subsection: Anemone. Series: Carolinianae. Common name: Eastern Prairie Anemone, Ten-petal Anemone. Phenology: (Feb-) Mar-Apr. Habitat: Thin, circumneutral soils around rock outcrops, calcareous glades, calcareous hammocks (in FL), calcareous bluffs, chalk outcrops & thin-soiled black-belt prairies, lawns and mowed roadsides (over calcareous soils). Distribution: A. berlandieri is primarily a species of midwestern prairies, occurring from n. AR and s. KS south through OK to c. LA and s. TX; disjunct eastward in AL, c. GA, n. FL, c. NC, c. SC, and sc. VA. It reaches its northeastern limit (and only VA occurrence) at calcareous mudstone cliffs on the Banister River (Pittsylvania County); it is scattered in the Piedmont of NC on a variety of rock types, including mafic meta-argillite and plagioclase-rich granite.

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Taxonomy Comments: A. berlandieri and A. caroliniana have been much confused in floras; see Joseph & Heimburger (1966) and Dutton & Keener (1994) for clarification.

Synonymy : = Ar, Fl2, FNA3, GrPl, K4, NcTx, NS, POWO, Va, WH3, Dutton & Keener (1994), Hoot, Meyer, & Manning (2012), (basionym); < Anemone caroliniana Walter — C, F, G, RAB, S, W; < Anemone decapetala Ard. — S13, misapplied (a South American species); > Anemone heterophylla Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray — Tx

Links to other floras: = Anemone berlandieri - FNA3

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image of plant© Mike Kunz | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Aidan Campos source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Aidan Campos source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Aidan Campos source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Aidan Campos source | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Erect perennial growing on thin, circumneutral soils around rock outcrops and calcareous glades.

Stems: Stems unbranched, woolly.

Leaves: Basal leaves (1-3) 1/3-1 in. long and wide, deeply divided into 3 oval segments, those segments irregularly lobed, toothed and hairy; a few opposite or whorled stem leaves resemble basal ones, with segments linear to lance-shaped.


Flowers: Flowers solitary at top of stem, white (rarely pale blue to rose), consisting of 7-20 narrow and round-tipped, petal-like sepals encircling a conical, compound ovary and multiple stamens.

Fruits: Fruit a cylindrical cluster of densely woolly achenes.


Height: 8-18 in.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Erect perennial growing on thin, circumneutral soils around rock outcrops and calcareous glades.

stems: Stems unbranched, woolly.

leaves: Basal leaves (1-3) 1/3-1 in. long and wide, deeply divided into 3 oval segments, those segments irregularly lobed, toothed and hairy; a few opposite or whorled stem leaves resemble basal ones, with segments linear to lance-shaped.


flowers: Flowers solitary at top of stem, white (rarely pale blue to rose), consisting of 7-20 narrow and round-tipped, petal-like sepals encircling a conical, compound ovary and multiple stamens.

fruits: Fruit a cylindrical cluster of densely woolly achenes.


cultural notes:

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