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9 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AraceaeArisaema acuminatumFlorida Jack-in-the-pulpitMesic forests.E. GA south to s. FL peninsula.image of plant
AraceaeArisaema dracontiumGreen DragonBottomlands and floodplains, rarely in uplands over mafic or calcareous rocks or substrates.S. QC, MI, and WI, south to n. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
AraceaeArisaema pusillumSmall Jack-in-the-pulpit, Swamp JackSwamps and moist forests.CT, NY, and IN, south to GA, LA, and e. TX.image of plant
AraceaeArisaema quinatumSouthern Jack-in-the-pulpit, Preacher JohnMesic forests, bottomlands.Sc. NC, sw. NC, se. TN south to Panhandle FL and e. TX and s. AR, apparently extending north to WV and KY.image of plant
AraceaeArisaema sikokianumJapanese Cobra LilySuburban woodlands.Native of Japanimage of plant
AraceaeArisaema species 1Green DragonBottomlands and floodplains over calcareous substrates.Nc. peninsular FL and e. TX.
AraceaeArisaema species 2Common Jack-in-the-pulpitMesic forests, bottomlands.NB west to se. MB, south to GA, LA, and e. TX (Wyatt & Stoneburner 2022).
AraceaeArisaema stewardsoniiBog Jack-in-the-pulpitBogs and peaty swamps.NS west to MN, south to w. NC, e. TN, and n. IN (Treiber 1980).image of plant
AraceaeArisaema triphyllumCommon Jack-in-the-pulpitMesic forests, bottomlands.NB west to se. MB, south to Panhandle FL, LA, and e. TX (Treiber 1980).image of plant

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