Intro: Erect perennial found in moist, nutrient-rich forests and woodland borders.
Stems: Stems several from a root crown, arching upward.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, to 20 in. long, 2- to 3-times divided into many long-pointed, sharply toothed, oval-lance-shaped leaflets.
Flowers: Flowers in erect panicle with many spike-like branches, female and male on separate plants; female with 5 tiny, greenish-white petals and 3-4 pistils; male with 5 tiny white petals and 15-20 stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, strongly curved, dry pod.
Height: 3-6 ft.
plant sale text: Goat's-beard is a beautiful shade-loving perennial that produces creamy white flowers in upright panicles of racemes, held above its handsome, robust foliage. This species is dioecious, with separate male and female flowers that are borne on different plants. These plants have been grown from seed here at NCBG and have not been sexed. However, both male and female plants will produce lovely plumes of flowers. The male flowers are slightly larger and more attractive, while the female flowers produce clusters of seed that provide interest in the fall garden.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial found in moist, nutrient-rich forests and woodland borders.
stems: Stems several from a root crown, arching upward.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, to 20 in. long, 2- to 3-times divided into many long-pointed, sharply toothed, oval-lance-shaped leaflets.
flowers: Flowers in erect panicle with many spike-like branches, female and male on separate plants; female with 5 tiny, greenish-white petals and 3-4 pistils; male with 5 tiny white petals and 15-20 stamens.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, strongly curved, dry pod.
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