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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApocynaceaeAsclepias amplexicaulisClasping Milkweed, Sand MilkweedLongleaf pine sandhills, barrens, sandy prairies, other dry woodlands of various types.NH and NY west to MN, IA, and KS, south to c. peninsular. FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias arenariaSand MilkweedSandy upland prairies, other sandy open areas.SD and se. WY south to TX, NM, and n. Mexico (CHH, DGO).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias asperula ssp. capricornuSpider Antelope-hornRocky or sandy prairies.Sc. NE south through KS and OK to sc. TX and NM.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias cinereaAshy Milkweed, "Carolina Milkweed"Pine savannas.E. SC south to n. peninsular FL, west to Panhandle FL and se. AL. Previous report of this species for NC and ne. SC was based on a misdetermined specimen of A. michauxii.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias connivensLargeflower MilkweedWet pine flatwoods, seepage bogs.Se. SC (McMillan et al. 2002) south to s. FL, west to w. FL Panhandle (Santa Rosa County) and s. AL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias curassavicaScarlet Milkweed, BloodflowerDitches, disturbed areas; often cultivated, naturalizing (southwards in our region) and persistent as short-lived strays (northwards).Native of tropical America, cultivated as an ornamental, naturalized in FL and persistent and naturalizing northwards (see, e.g., Bradley et al. [in prep.]). Kartesz (2020) reports it for e. TN; this and other northern reports far inland and off the Coastal Plain are likely of plants only shortly persistent from cultivation.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias curtissiiCurtiss’s MilkweedFlorida scrub.Endemic to FL, from Clay County south to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias emoryiEmory's MilkweedSandy prairies.C. TX south to s. TX and adjacent ne. Mexico (COA, DGO, NLE, SLP, TAM).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias engelmannianaEngelmann's MilkweedPrairies, other open habitats, over calcareous substrates.W. IA, NE, and WY south to sc. TX, NM, AZ, and n. Mexico (COA, DGO, SON).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias exaltataTall Milkweed, Poke MilkweedMoist forests, slopes, and forest margins.ME and s. ON west to MN and IA, south to n. GA, n. AL (Schotz 2009). e. and c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), KY, and IL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias feayiFeay’s Milkweed, Florida MilkweedLongleaf pine sandhills, scrubby pine flatwoods.Endemic to FL, from Clay County south to s. peninsular FL (Collier County).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias hirtellaGreen Milkweed, Barrens Milkweed, Prairie MilkweedPrairies (on loamy or clayey soils), sub-calcareous hardwood flatwoods.MI, WI, and MN south to w. WV (Mason County), KY, e. TN (Bradley County) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), AR, w. LA, and e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias humistrataFleshy Milkweed, Sandhill Milkweed, Pinkveined MilkweedLongleaf pine sandhills and Florida scrub, open sandy areas, coastal strand.E. NC south to s. FL, west to e. LA.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias incarnata ssp. incarnataWestern Swamp MilkweedSwamps, marshes, especially over calcareous substrates, such as limestone or calcareous shale.ME and s. QC west to MB, south to VA, s. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), AR, TX, and CO; disjunct in TX, NM, and UT.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias incarnata ssp. pulchraEastern Swamp MilkweedMarshes, bogs, swamps.NS and ME south to e. NC, w. SC, GA, and e. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and s. FL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias lanceolataFew-flowered Milkweed, Smooth Orange MilkweedSwamps, fresh to slightly brackish marshes, wet pine savannas.NJ south to s. FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias latifoliaBroadleaf Milkweed, Cornkernel MilkweedPrairies, calcareous breaks.NE, CO, UT, and CA south to c. TX, w. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias linearisSlim MilkweedDry prairies.Nc. TX south to s. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias longifoliaLongleaf Milkweed, Savanna MilkweedWet pine savannas.DE (formerly) south to s. FL, west to e. LA.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias meadiiMead's MilkweedUpland prairies over limestone, igneous glades.Nw. IN, n. IL, sw. WI south to s. IL, s. MO, and e. KS.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias michauxiiMichaux's MilkweedPine savannas.Se. NC south to peninsular FL, west to e. LA. The 1961 collection documenting this species for NC was variously misdetermined until recently as A. cinerea or A. longifolia.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias obovataPineland MilkweedLongleaf pine sandhills, other woodlands and savannas.E. SC south to Panhandle FL, west to AR, e. OK, and e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias oenotheroidesSidecluster Milkweed, Hierba de Zizotes, MatacoyoteSandy or rocky calcareous prairies, other dry habitats.OK, s. CO, and s. AZ south to Mexico and Central America.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias pedicellataStalked Milkweed, Savanna MilkweedDry longleaf pine savannas, wet pine flatwoods.Se. NC south to s. FL and Panhandle FL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias perennisSmoothseed Milkweed, Swamp-forest Milkweed, Aquatic MilkweedCypress-gum swamps, bottomland hardwood forests, marshes.Se. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX, north in the interior to s. IN and s. IL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias prostrataProstrate Milkweed"Sparse early-successional vegetation on loamy fine sands and fine sandy loams" (Carr 2016).S. TX (Tamaulipan Plain: Starr and Zapata counties) and ne. Mexico (TAM).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias pumilaLow MilkweedCalcareous prairies, other grasslands.ND and MT south to c. OK, Panhandle TX, and NM.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias purpurascensPurple MilkweedOpenings in moist bottomlands and swamp forests, prairies and meadows (rich, wet to mesic), woodlands, perhaps mostly on soils derived from mafic or calcareous rocks.NH and s. ON west to WI, IA, and KS, south to NC, nw. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), ne. AL (Keener et al. 2024), KY, AR, and OK.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias quadrifoliaFourleaf Milkweed, Whorled MilkweedMoist to dryish forests and forest margins, most common on mafic and calcareous substrates.NH and NY west to IN, south to NC, n. GA, n. AL, and c. TN; also from w. IL west to MO, south to AR and OK.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias rubraPurple Savanna Milkweed, "Red Milkweed"Pocosin ecotones, wet pine savannas, seepage bogs in longleaf pine sandhills, seepage swamps.Se. NY (Long Island), se. PA, and NJ south to wc. GA and w. Panhandle FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias speciosaShowy MilkweedFloodplains and margins of streams and lakes, moist prairies, weedy in disturbed areas.MN west to BC, south to c. OK, n. TX, NM, AZ, and CA.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias stenophyllaNarrowleaf MilkweedDry calcareous prairies, glades.W. IL, se. MN, s. SD, se. MT, south to n. AR, wc. LA, e. TX, OK, and n. NM.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias subverticillataHorsetail Milkweed, Poison MilkweedPrairies, disturbed areas.Native from w. KS, s. WY, s. ID south to w. TX, NM, AZ, and s. Mexico; reported scattered occurrences eastwards of that area are either definitely introductions as waifs (MO), possibly so (nc. TX, se. TX, s. TX), or possibly misidentifications.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias sullivantiiPrairie Milkweed, Sullivant's MilkweedCalcareous prairies, riverbanks, bottomlands.ON, MI, Wim MN, and e. ND south to sc. OH, s. IN, s. IL, MO, and OK.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias syriacaCommon MilkweedPrairies, floodplains, pastures, roadsides, disturbed areas.NB and ME west to s. MB and ND, south to SC, GA, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), AR, OK, and KS, the southern range expansion recent. This species is apparently expanding its range southward; see Wyatt et al. (1993) and Wyatt (1996) for discussion.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias texanaTexas MilkweedRocky hillsides.C. TX; w. TX to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SLP).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias tomentosaSandhill Milkweed, Velvetleaf MilkweedLongleaf pine sandhills, oak scrubs, drier pine flatwoods, coastal dunes.Sc. NC south to s. FL, west to FL panhandle; disjunct in e. TX. The curious distribution is mapped and discussed by Sorrie (2016). The se. AL record (Kral 31980) has been corrected to A. obovata (B. Sorrie, pers. comm.; 2024).image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias tuberosa var. 1 [=terminalis]Western ButterflyweedPrairies.SD, CO, s. UT south to e. TX, s. TX, s. NM, s. AZ, and Mexico (TAM, NLE, COA, CHH, and SON).
ApocynaceaeAsclepias tuberosa var. 2Scrub ButterflyweedFlorida scrub.Endemic in c. FL peninsula.
ApocynaceaeAsclepias tuberosa var. cordataMidwestern ButterflyweedDry forests, roadbanks.QC, ON, MN, SD, CO, UT, and CA south to PA, WV, KY, TN, and AL.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias tuberosa var. rolfsiiSandhill ButterflyweedLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry, sandy habitats.Se. VA south to s. FL, west to s. MS.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias tuberosa var. tuberosaEastern ButterflyweedWoodland margins, roadsides, pastures.S. NH west to OH, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias variegataWhite Milkweed, Redring MilkweedUpland forests and woodlands.CT west to OH, s. IN, s. IL, se. MO, and se. OK, south to Panhandle FL, LA, and e. TX.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias verticillataWhorled MilkweedBarrens, thin soils of rock outcrops (especially mafic or calcareous rocks), prairies, open woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods, road and powerline rights-of-way.E. MA west to ND and MB, south to s. FL, TX, NM, and AZ.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias viridifloraGlade Milkweed, Green MilkweedOpen woodlands, woodland edges, barrens, glades, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks, and also in disturbed areas.CT west to s. ON, MB, ND, and MT, south to NC, SC, GA, Panhandle FL, AL, LA, TX, n. Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE), NM, and AZ.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias viridisGreen Antelope-horn, Spider MilkweedPrairies, dry woodlands, calcareous hammocks, pine rocklands (s. FL).S. SC south to s. FL, west to TX; and from OH, w. WV, and KY west to NE, south to se. TN, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), nw. GA, c. AL, c. MS, AR, TX, and OK.image of plant
ApocynaceaeAsclepias viridulaBog Milkweed, Little Green Milkweed, Southern MilkweedWet longleaf pine savannas and flatwoods, seepage slopes, pitcherplant bogs.Ne. FL; se. AL (Houston County) south to Panhandle FL; no records exist for GA.image of plant