Intro: Erect perennial of swamps, fresh to slightly brackish marshes and wet pine savannas.
Stems: Stem slender, unbranched, reddish-tinged and smooth; leaks milky sap when bruised.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petioled, linear to narrowly lance-shaped, 4-10 in. long, thick and firm, smooth; leak milky sap when bruised.
Flowers: Flowers in somewhat sparse terminal umbels, reddish-orange, about 3/4 in. long, consisting of 5 strongly reflexed corolla lobes and a lighter-colored central crown--composed of 5 2-parted appendages ("hood" and "horn")--surrounding a complex structure of fused anthers and style.
Fruits: Fruit an erect, narrowly spindle-shaped follicle containing tufted seeds.
Height: 2-3 ft.
plant sale text: You may overlook the few-flower milkweed with its slender foliage, but once it blooms, the red-orange flowers really pop! Few-flower milkweed naturally occurs as an understory herb in open freshwater wetlands and pinelands. This is not a drought tolerant milkweed as it requires continually moist soils. It prefers poor nutrient soils, so don't over fertilize. Add this to your butterfly or wildflower garden, because it is a host plant for monarch larvae and a nectar source for adult butterflies. It is a good choice for a bog garden.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of swamps, fresh to slightly brackish marshes and wet pine savannas.
stems: Stem slender, unbranched, reddish-tinged and smooth; leaks milky sap when bruised.
leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petioled, linear to narrowly lance-shaped, 4-10 in. long, thick and firm, smooth; leak milky sap when bruised.
flowers: Flowers in somewhat sparse terminal umbels, reddish-orange, about 3/4 in. long, consisting of 5 strongly reflexed corolla lobes and a lighter-colored central crown--composed of 5 2-parted appendages ("hood" and "horn")--surrounding a complex structure of fused anthers and style.
fruits: Fruit an erect, narrowly spindle-shaped follicle containing tufted seeds.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern United States