Intro: Erect to ascending perennial of longleaf pine sandhills, turkey oak barrens and clearings.
Stems: Stems stiff, unbranched and velvety-hairy; leaks milky sap when bruised.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, lance-shaped to broadly elliptical, 2-3 1/2 in. long, with wavy margins, covered with velvety (short) hairs.
Flowers: Flowers in 2-6 umbels from upper leaf axils, pale green to yellowish-green, 1 1/2-2 in. wide, consisting of 5 spreading corolla lobes with pink-tinged upcurved tips and a central crown--composed of 5 2-parted appendages ("hood" and "horn")--surrounding a complex structure of fused anthers and style.
Fruits: Fruit a follicle containing tufted seeds.
Height: 7-19 in.
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description: Erect to ascending perennial of longleaf pine sandhills, turkey oak barrens and clearings.
stems: Stems stiff, unbranched and velvety-hairy; leaks milky sap when bruised.
leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, lance-shaped to broadly elliptical, 2-3 1/2 in. long, with wavy margins, covered with velvety (short) hairs.
flowers: Flowers in 2-6 umbels from upper leaf axils, pale green to yellowish-green, 1 1/2-2 in. wide, consisting of 5 spreading corolla lobes with pink-tinged upcurved tips and a central crown--composed of 5 2-parted appendages ("hood" and "horn")--surrounding a complex structure of fused anthers and style.
fruits: Fruit a follicle containing tufted seeds.
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