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23 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex acadiensisMaritime OrachBeaches, strands, and salt marshes, in saline and brackish habitats.N.B., N.S., P.E.I. s. to ME, NH, RI, MA(?), CT(?), and NY(?).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex acanthocarpa var. coahuilensisCoahuila Saltbush, Armed Saltbush, HuahaAlkaline soils.S. TX south into Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex argentea var. argenteaSilverscaleRailroads, dry, open, disturbed areas.Native of w. North America.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex argentea var. expansaSilver OrachDry or saline habitats.OK and CA south to Mexico (TAM).
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex canescens var. canescensFourwing Saltbush, Chamiza, ShadscaleSaline or alkaline soils.ND, AB, and WA south to TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex dioicaBrackish flats.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to NC and CA.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex elegans var. elegansSaline areas.W. TX west to s. CA; disjunct in se. TX.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex glabriusculaMaritime OrachInland salt marshes.Northeastern North America and n. Europe; disjunct in Saltville, VA.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex holocarpaPop SaltbushAlkaline pannes, apparently introduced for forage (Correll & Johnston 1970).Native of Australia.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex hortensisGarden OrachGardens, waste areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex klebergorumKleberg OrachIn silty or clayey soils.Endemic to s. TX.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex laciniataBelgian OrachCoastal sands.Possibly native in maritime Canada; also native in nw. Europe.
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex littoralisNarrow-leaved AtriplexDisturbed areas.Native of Europe; introduced south to PA (Welsh 2003) and MD (Kartesz 2022).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex matamorensisQuelite Cenizo, Matamoros SaltbushCoastal saline areas.Se. TX along the coast into ne. Mexico (TAM).
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex micranthaTwo-scale Orach
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex mucronataSeabeach Orach, QueliteOcean beaches, island-end flats.NH south to FL west to TX; Bahamas.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex patulaSpear OrachDisturbed areas, inland saline areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex pentandraSeabeach OrachOcean beaches, island-end flats.NC to FL, west to TX; Mexico; West Indies; South America.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex prostrataThinleaf Orach, Fat-henMarsh edges, brackish flats.Widespread in e. North America, also in w. North America and Eurasia, usually considered to be native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex roseaTumbling Saltweed, Red OrachDisturbed areas, on ballast.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex semibaccataAustralian Saltbush, Berry SaltbushDisturbed areas, apparently introduced for forage.Introduced at various localities in North America, including DC (FNA).image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex tataricaTartarian OrachIntroduced on ballast at scattered localities, including AL, FL (Escambia County), NJ, and PA (FNA).Native of Eurasia.image of plant
ChenopodiaceaeAtriplex wrightiiWright's OrachVacant lot, a waif.Native of sw. United States and n. Mexico (CHH, SON).