Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Salviniaceae | Azolla caroliniana | Eastern Mosquito Fern, Water fern | Stagnant waters of interdune ponds, limesink ponds, old millponds, beaver ponds, floodplain sloughs, often locally abundant. | Widespread in the se. United States, extending irregularly north (partly from introductions) into s. New England and MN, and south into the tropics. | |
Salviniaceae | Azolla filiculoides | Large Mosquito Fern | Freshwater lakes, beaver ponds, artificial impoundments. | Native of w. North America, south into Mexico, Central America, South America, e. Asia. This species is reported for e. GA from a freshwater lake on Sapelo Island, McIntosh County (Bates & Browne 1981), presumably as an accidental introduction. Bunch & Hayden (2020) report it for two locations in the Coastal Plain of VA (Chesterfield and Sussex counties). It seems likely to be more widespread that currently reported. | |
Salviniaceae | Azolla microphylla | Mexican Mosquito Fern | Stagnant fresh waters. | Mostly w. North America (east to the Mississippi River areas of MN and WI south to AR and w. TN; also e. and s. TX); Mexico to South America. | |
Salviniaceae | Azolla pinnata ssp. asiatica | Asian Mosquito Fern | Still waters. | Native of Asia. |