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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeBaccharis angustifoliaFalse-willowInterdune swales, wet hammocks, marsh edges.Ne. NC south to s. FL, west to LA; Bahamas.image of plant
AsteraceaeBaccharis dioicaBroombush False-willowRockland hammock edges, barrier island sands.S. FL (where apparently extirpated); s. LA (Pelican Island, Barataria Island complex, Plaquemines Parish; L. Urbatsch, pers.comm., 2023); West Indies; Mexico (Tamaulipas, Yucatan). Reports of this species from s. AL (Dauphin Island, Baldwin County) are not correctly identified; they represent narrow-leaved material of B. halimifolia, perhaps introgressed with B. angustifolia.image of plant
AsteraceaeBaccharis glomerulifloraWet hammocks, swamp edges, marsh edges, interdune swales, wet pine savanna margins.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to MS; West Indies.image of plant
AsteraceaeBaccharis halimifoliaSilverling, High-tide-bush, Mulletbush, Saltbush, Waterbush, Groundsel Tree, Manglier, Sea-myrtle, Consumption-weed, Winter-willowFresh and brackish marshes, marsh borders, hammocks, moist abused land, roadsides, ditches, old fields, and a wide variety of disturbed areas. B. halimifolia is becoming increasingly common inland, and can be an especially aggressive invader in sunny sites after silvicultural disturbance.Se. MA south to s. FL, west to TX, AR, and OK; West Indies.image of plant
AsteraceaeBaccharis neglectaRoosevelt-weed, New Deal Weed, Jara DulceCalcareous soils, especially roadsides and disturbed areas.C. OK south to e., s, and w. TX and Mexico.
AsteraceaeBaccharis salicifoliaSeepwillow, Water-wally, JaraRiverbanks, sandy areas.S. TX west to n. CA, south into s. Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeBaccharis salicinaWillow-Baccharis, Great Plains False-willowSandy subsaline soils, disturbed areas.KS west to CA, south to e. TX, s. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico (BCN, CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, SON, TAM).
AsteraceaeBaccharis texanaPrairie BaccharisPrairies, other calcareous areas.Sc. OK south to s. TX and n. Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, NLE, TAM).
AsteraceaeBaccharis wrightiiEastwards in disturbed areas.KS west to UT, south to TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico (CHH, DGO, SON).