Intro: Erect, spring-flowering perennial found in rich, mesic forests.
Stems: Stems arising from a jointed rhizome, mostly smooth (hairy near top).
Leaves: Basal leaves to 3 in. long and divided into 3-5 narrow, toothed leaflets; may be seen without or separate from the flowering stem). On flowering stems, 3 similarly sized leaves are at mid-stem in a whorl.
Flowers: Flowers on spreading-ascending stalks in a short terminal raceme, white to pale pink, ½-1½ in. wide, consisting of 4 oblong-lance-shaped petals forming a cross.
Fruits: Fruit a thin, linear green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
Height: 8-12 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, spring-flowering perennial found in rich, mesic forests.
stems: Stems arising from a jointed rhizome, mostly smooth (hairy near top).
leaves: Basal leaves to 3 in. long and divided into 3-5 narrow, toothed leaflets; may be seen without or separate from the flowering stem). On flowering stems, 3 similarly sized leaves are at mid-stem in a whorl.
flowers: Flowers on spreading-ascending stalks in a short terminal raceme, white to pale pink, ½-1½ in. wide, consisting of 4 oblong-lance-shaped petals forming a cross.
fruits: Fruit a thin, linear green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern North America