Intro: Erect, spring-flowering perennial found in rich, mesic forests.
Stems: Stems smooth, arising from a branching rhizome near the soil surface.
Leaves: Basal leaves to 10 in. long and divided into 3 ovate, toothed leaflets with pale veins; often evergreen. Stem leaves, in a single pair at mid-stem, resemble basal leaves.
Flowers: Flowers in a short terminal raceme, white, nearly 1 in. wide when fully open, consisting of 4 oval petals that later turn pink.
Fruits: Fruit a thin, linear green pod that rarely produces seeds.
Height: 6-15 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, spring-flowering perennial found in rich, mesic forests.
stems: Stems smooth, arising from a branching rhizome near the soil surface.
leaves: Basal leaves to 10 in. long and divided into 3 ovate, toothed leaflets with pale veins; often evergreen. Stem leaves, in a single pair at mid-stem, resemble basal leaves.
flowers: Flowers in a short terminal raceme, white, nearly 1 in. wide when fully open, consisting of 4 oval petals that later turn pink.
fruits: Fruit a thin, linear green pod that rarely produces seeds.
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native range: eastern North America