Intro: Short, spring-flowering perennial found in rich, moist forests.
Stems: Stems smooth (occasionally hairy), often red-tinged.
Leaves: Basal leaves divided into 3 diamond-shaped to oval, toothed leaflets; 2 or 3 stem leaves whorled at mid-stem also divided into 3 leaflets, these narrowly lance-shaped to linear and toothed or entire.
Flowers: Flowers on spreading stalks in a short terminal raceme, white (often tinged with purplish-pink), nearly 1 in. wide, consisting of 4 petals forming a cross-pattern.
Fruits: Fruit a linear green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
Height: 4-16 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Short, spring-flowering perennial found in rich, moist forests.
stems: Stems smooth (occasionally hairy), often red-tinged.
leaves: Basal leaves divided into 3 diamond-shaped to oval, toothed leaflets; 2 or 3 stem leaves whorled at mid-stem also divided into 3 leaflets, these narrowly lance-shaped to linear and toothed or entire.
flowers: Flowers on spreading stalks in a short terminal raceme, white (often tinged with purplish-pink), nearly 1 in. wide, consisting of 4 petals forming a cross-pattern.
fruits: Fruit a linear green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
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