Carex paupercula Michaux. Section: [26u] Section 15 Limosae. Boreal Bog Sedge. Phen: Jun-Aug. Hab: Sphagnum bogs, boggy swamps. Dist: Circumboreal, south in North America to n. NJ, c. PA, MI, WI, MN, NM, and WA.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Taxonomy Comments: Sometimes treated as only subspecifically distinct from C. magellanica of s. South America, but the morphological distinctions and large disjunction argue for species rank, even if the two taxa are sister.
Synonymy ⓘ: = C, G, Pa; = Carex magellanica Lam. ssp. irrigua (Wahlenb.) Hiitonen – FNA23, K3, K4, NE, NY; < Carex magellanica Lam. – Mi; ? Carex magellanica Michx. var. magellanica; > Carex paupercula Michx. var. brevisquama Fernald – F; > Carex paupercula Michx. var. irrigua (Wahlenb.) Fernald – F; > Carex paupercula Michx. var. pallens Fernald – F; > Carex paupercula Michx. var. paupercula – F
Links to other floras: = Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua - FNA23
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Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ⓘ: 8
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