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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
JuglandaceaeCarya aquaticaWater Hickory, Bitter PecanSwamp forests, where flooded during the winter months.Se. VA south to s. peninsular FL, west to e. TX, north inland to se. MO, s. IL, and se. OK.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya carolinae-septentrionalisCarolina Shagbark Hickory, Carolina HickoryUpland flats, especially those weathered from mafic rocks and with shrink-swell soils dominated by montmorillonitic clays, less typically on slopes and bottomlands.Sc. VA (Halifax County) south to GA, AL, and MS, and inland northward to c. TN and sc. KY. First reported for VA by Wieboldt et al. (1998).image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya cordiformisBitternut Hickory, White HickoryForests and woodlands, especially in rich, moist alluvial or slope forests.ME and s. QC west to MN and NE, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya floridanaScrub HickoryFlorida yellow-sand scrub, longleaf pine sandhills.N. peninsular FL (Marion County) southward to s. FL.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya glabraPignut HickoryIn a very wide variety of forests and woodlands.S. NH west to s. MI, se. IA, and se. KS, south to s. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya illinoinensisPecan, Nogal Morado, Nuez Encarcelada, Nuez PecanaBottomland forests, hardwood flatwoods, swamps, margins of fields, pastures, often along larger rivers; eastwards (out of native range) introduced and persistent around dwellings and in pecan orchards, escaped to suburban woodlands, rural forest edges and floodplains, also commonly cultivated.Sw. OH, IN, IL, e. IA south to AL, MS, LA, TX, and widespread in Mexico; now also widely spread eastwards as a result of cultivation.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya laciniosaKingnut Hickory, Big Shellbark Hickory, Big Shagbark HickoryBottomland forests, hardwood flatwoods, swamps; rarely in mesic upland forests and on rich lower slopes.NY and s. ON west to IA, south to NC, nw. GA, MS, and OK.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya myristiciformisNutmeg HickoryHardwood flatwoods, bottomland hardwood forests, riparian and upland calcareous woodlands, nonriverine swamps over calcareous substrates, including calcareous clays and coquina limestone (‘marl’).Se. NC south to GA, and from wc. AL west to e. TX and se. OK; disjunct in Mexico (COA, NLE, SLP, TAM). First reported for NC by Leonard (1971b).image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya ovalisRed HickoryForests and woodlands.MA west to WI, south to GA, MS, and AR.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya ovataCommon Shagbark HickoryRich moist bottomlands, slopes, occasionally on dry upland flats.S. ME and s. QC west to MN and NE, south to GA and TX; material in Mexico is here regarded as C. mexicana.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya pallidaSand Hickory, Pale HickoryDry sandy or rocky forests and woodlands.S. NJ south to Panhandle FL, west to TX, inland in the interior to w. NC, KY, s. IL, and AR.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya texanaBlack HickoryDry upland woodlands, glades, bluffs, sand barrens.S. IN, c. IL, n. MO, and e. KS south to c. KY, w. TN, c. MS, s. LA, se, and c. TX.image of plant
JuglandaceaeCarya tomentosaMockernut Hickory, White-heart HickoryForests and woodlands, one of the most common forest trees of much of our region.MA west to IN and IA, south to n. peninsular FL and TX.image of plant