Intro: Erect annual/biennial found in woodlands, fens, barrens, rock outcrops, meadows, wet pastures and grassy openings, usually over mafic rocks.
Stems: Stems arising from a basal rosette, mostly unbranched, purple-tinged, hairy.
Leaves: Basal leaves vary from oblong-oval to elliptic or linear, 1-3 in. long, with entire margins, though tips may be irregularly incised); stem leaves alternate, to 3 in. long and often deeply divided into 3-5 linear or oblong segments.
Flowers: Flowers in a dense terminal spike, with showy bright red (or red-tipped), hairy, 3- to 5-lobed bracts that are more prominent than the greenish-yellow flowers. The corolla is tubular with 2 lips, one much longer than the other and enclosing the stamens; it is included within, and barely surpassing, the 2-lobed, tubular calyx, which may be red.
Fruits: Fruit an oblong, pointed capsule.
Comments: Semi-parasitic on a variety of hosts.
Height: 1-2 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect annual/biennial found in woodlands, fens, barrens, rock outcrops, meadows, wet pastures and grassy openings, usually over mafic rocks.
stems: Stems arising from a basal rosette, mostly unbranched, purple-tinged, hairy.
leaves: Basal leaves vary from oblong-oval to elliptic or linear, 1-3 in. long, with entire margins, though tips may be irregularly incised); stem leaves alternate, to 3 in. long and often deeply divided into 3-5 linear or oblong segments.
flowers: Flowers in a dense terminal spike, with showy bright red (or red-tipped), hairy, 3- to 5-lobed bracts that are more prominent than the greenish-yellow flowers. The corolla is tubular with 2 lips, one much longer than the other and enclosing the stamens; it is included within, and barely surpassing, the 2-lobed, tubular calyx, which may be red.
fruits: Fruit an oblong, pointed capsule.
comments: Semi-parasitic on a variety of hosts.
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native range: eastern United States