Intro: Erect perennial from a basal rosette, found in cool, moist forests such as spruce-fir, northern hardwood and (less commonly) red oak forests.
Stems: Stem a smooth flowering scape.
Leaves: Leaves in a basal rosette, sessile, oval with pointed tips and strongly inset midvein, 5-12 in. long, shiny-green.
Flowers: Flowers 4-8 in an umbel terminating the slender, leafless flowering scape; yellow, ½-¾ in. wide, consisting of 6 narrow tepals that are downy on the outside and 6 protruding stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a dark blue berry.
Height: 6-16 in.
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description: Erect perennial from a basal rosette, found in cool, moist forests such as spruce-fir, northern hardwood and (less commonly) red oak forests.
stems: Stem a smooth flowering scape.
leaves: Leaves in a basal rosette, sessile, oval with pointed tips and strongly inset midvein, 5-12 in. long, shiny-green.
flowers: Flowers 4-8 in an umbel terminating the slender, leafless flowering scape; yellow, ½-¾ in. wide, consisting of 6 narrow tepals that are downy on the outside and 6 protruding stamens.
fruits: Fruit a dark blue berry.
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