Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Fabaceae | Dalea adenopoda | Summer-farewell | Longleaf pine sandhills, scrubby pine flatwoods, Florida scrub. | Endemic to the FL peninsula. |
Fabaceae | Dalea albida | White-tassels | Longleaf pine sandhills. | E. GA (near the SC border) west to se. AL, south to ne. FL, n. peninsular FL, and e. FL Panhandle. |
Fabaceae | Dalea aurea | Golden Dalea, Silktop Dalea | Silty or gravelly limestone soils. | SD and WY south to TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea austrotexana | South Texas Woolly Dalea | Dunes and sandy flats. | Endemic to s. TX. |
Fabaceae | Dalea brachystachys | | Waif on ore piles. | Native of w. North America. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea cahaba | Cahaba Prairie-clover | Dolomitic Ketona glades. | Endemic to c. AL (Bibb County). |
Fabaceae | Dalea candida | White Prairie-clover | Calcareous glades and barrens, prairies. | WV, KY, IN, WI, MN, and SK south to nw. GA, e. TN, w. AL, sc. MS, s. LA, and ne. TX. |
Fabaceae | Dalea carnea | Pink-tassels | Dry sandy pinelands. | Se. GA south to s. peninsular FL. |
Fabaceae | Dalea carrizoana | Carrizo Prairie-clover | On dry sands of the Carrizo formation. | Endemic to se. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea ceciliana | Cecilia's Prairie-clover | Deep sandy soils. | Endemic to s. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea compacta var. compacta | Compact Prairie-clover | Blackland prairies. | Sw. AR and se. OK south to e. and c. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea compacta var. pubescens | Showy Prairie-clover | Prairies, on clay and limestone. | OK south to nw. LA and se. and sc. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea drummondiana | Drummond's Prairie-clover, Little-leaf Prairie-clover | Prairies. | Sw. AR and OK south to e. and s. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea emarginata | Wedgeleaf Prairie-clover | Beaches, dunes, other sandy soils. | Sw. LA west to c. and s. TX and ne. Mexico (TAM, VER). | |
Fabaceae | Dalea enneandra | Nine-anthered Prairie-clover, Sailpod Dalea | Loess hill prairies. | ND and MT south to w. MO, e. OK, se. TX and NM. |
Fabaceae | Dalea feayi | Feay's Prairie-clover | Longleaf pine sandhills. | E. GA (vicinity of the Altamaha River); FL peninsula; Panhandle FL (vicinity of the Apalachicola River). |
Fabaceae | Dalea floridana | Florida Prairie-clover | Marl prairies, pine rocklands, rockland hammock edges, coastal strands. | Endemic to s. FL. |
Fabaceae | Dalea foliosa | Cedar Glade Prairie-clover, Leafy Prairie-clover | Calcareous glades. | C. TN, n. AL, IL, and OH (?). |
Fabaceae | Dalea frutescens | Black Dalea | Prairies and shrublands. | Sc. OK and NM south through the eastern 2/3s of TX to ne. Mexico. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea gattingeri | Gattinger's Prairie-clover | Calcareous glades and barrens. | C. TN, nw. GA, n. AL, s. MO, and n. AR (Sundell et al. 1999). |
Fabaceae | Dalea grisea | East Texas Prairie-clover | Sandy woodlands and prairies. | AR south to nw. LA and e. TX. |
Fabaceae | Dalea hallii | Hall's Dalea | Upland prairies, barren areas on outcroppings and eroded limestone (such as of the Walnut Formation). | Nc. to c. TX. |
Fabaceae | Dalea lanata | Woolly Prairie-clover, Woolly Dalea | Dry sands. | AR, s. KS and e. CO south to nc. and w. TX and NM. |
Fabaceae | Dalea lasiathera | Purple Dalea | Over limestone. | C and w. TX south to Mexico (TAM, NLE, and COA). | |
Fabaceae | Dalea leporina | Hare's-foot Dalea, Foxtail Dalea | Prairies and woodlands, disturbed areas. | WI, MN, and ND south to s. IL, se. MO, s. KS, w. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico; somewhat disjunct eastwards in c. TN. |
Fabaceae | Dalea mountjoyae | Sprawling White-tassels | Wet pine savannas. | Sc. and sw. GA west to se. LA. |
Fabaceae | Dalea multiflora | Round-headed Prairie-clover | Upland prairies. | W. MO, c. NE, and e. CO south to TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea nana | Dwarf Dalea | Sandy soils. | Sw. OK and se. CO south to se. TX, s. TX, w. TX, NM, se. AZ, and Mexico. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea obovata | Pussyfoot | Open sand flats. | TX south to ne. Mexico (COA, TAM). | |
Fabaceae | Dalea oligophylla | Western White Prairie-clover | Prairies. | MB, SK, and AB south to e. OK, ne. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico (CHH, SON). | |
Fabaceae | Dalea phleoides | Slim-spike Prairie-clover | Sandy woodlands and openings. | Nw. LA and se. OK south to se. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea pinnata var. pinnata | Summer Farewell, Eastern Prairie-clover | Longleaf pine sandhills and other dryish pinelands, especially in loamy sands. | Sc. and se. NC south through SC and GA to c. peninsular FL and e. Panhandle FL. |
Fabaceae | Dalea pinnata var. trifoliata | | Longleaf pine sandhills, dry to moist longleaf pine flatwoods. | E. GA (near the Savannah River) south and west to w. Panhandle FL, s. AL, and s. MS. |
Fabaceae | Dalea pogonathera var. walkerae | | Alluvial soils. | S. TX south to Mexico. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea purpurea | Purple Prairie-clover | Prairies, glades, and open woodlands. | ON west to BC, south to KY, TN, n. AL, c. MS, TX, and NM. |
Fabaceae | Dalea reverchonii | Comanche Peak Prairie-clover | On limestone. | Nc. TX (Hood, Parker, and Wise counties). | |
Fabaceae | Dalea rubescens | | Calcareous prairies. | Nc. TX west to NM, south into Mexico. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea scandens var. paucifolia | Thyrsed Dalea | Brushlands. | S. TX south to Central America. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea tenuifolia | Slimleaf Dalea | Prairies. | W. KS and se. CO south to Panhandle TX and NM; disjunct in c. OK (Cleveland County). | |
Fabaceae | Dalea tenuis | | Rocky limestone areas. | C. OK south to sc. TX. | |
Fabaceae | Dalea villosa | Silky Prairie-clover | Sandy prairies. | MI, WI, MN, MB, and SK south to MO, e. OK, nc. TX, and e. NM. | |