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41 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeDalea adenopodaSummer-farewellLongleaf pine sandhills, scrubby pine flatwoods, Florida scrub.Endemic to the FL peninsula.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea albidaWhite-tasselsLongleaf pine sandhills.E. GA (near the SC border) west to se. AL, south to ne. FL, n. peninsular FL, and e. FL Panhandle.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea aureaGolden Dalea, Silktop DaleaSilty or gravelly limestone soils.SD and WY south to TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico.
FabaceaeDalea austrotexanaSouth Texas Woolly DaleaDunes and sandy flats.Endemic to s. TX.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea brachystachysWaif on ore piles.Native of w. North America.
FabaceaeDalea cahabaCahaba Prairie-cloverDolomitic Ketona glades.Endemic to c. AL (Bibb County).image of plant
FabaceaeDalea candidaWhite Prairie-cloverCalcareous glades and barrens, prairies.WV, KY, IN, WI, MN, and SK south to nw. GA, e. TN, w. AL, sc. MS, s. LA, and ne. TX.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea carneaPink-tasselsDry sandy pinelands.Se. GA south to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea carrizoanaCarrizo Prairie-cloverOn dry sands of the Carrizo formation.Endemic to se. TX.
FabaceaeDalea cecilianaCecilia's Prairie-cloverDeep sandy soils.Endemic to s. TX.
FabaceaeDalea compacta var. compactaCompact Prairie-cloverBlackland prairies.Sw. AR and se. OK south to e. and c. TX.
FabaceaeDalea compacta var. pubescensShowy Prairie-cloverPrairies, on clay and limestone.OK south to nw. LA and se. and sc. TX.
FabaceaeDalea drummondianaDrummond's Prairie-clover, Little-leaf Prairie-cloverPrairies.Sw. AR and OK south to e. and s. TX.
FabaceaeDalea emarginataWedgeleaf Prairie-cloverBeaches, dunes, other sandy soils.Sw. LA west to c. and s. TX and ne. Mexico (TAM, VER).
FabaceaeDalea enneandraNine-anthered Prairie-clover, Sailpod DaleaLoess hill prairies.ND and MT south to w. MO, e. OK, se. TX and NM.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea feayiFeay's Prairie-cloverLongleaf pine sandhills.E. GA (vicinity of the Altamaha River); FL peninsula; Panhandle FL (vicinity of the Apalachicola River).image of plant
FabaceaeDalea floridanaFlorida Prairie-cloverMarl prairies, pine rocklands, rockland hammock edges, coastal strands.Endemic to s. FL.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea foliosaCedar Glade Prairie-clover, Leafy Prairie-cloverCalcareous glades.C. TN, n. AL, IL, and OH (?).image of plant
FabaceaeDalea frutescensBlack DaleaPrairies and shrublands.Sc. OK and NM south through the eastern 2/3s of TX to ne. Mexico.
FabaceaeDalea gattingeriGattinger's Prairie-cloverCalcareous glades and barrens.C. TN, nw. GA, n. AL, s. MO, and n. AR (Sundell et al. 1999).image of plant
FabaceaeDalea griseaEast Texas Prairie-cloverSandy woodlands and prairies.AR south to nw. LA and e. TX.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea halliiHall's DaleaUpland prairies, barren areas on outcroppings and eroded limestone (such as of the Walnut Formation).Nc. to c. TX.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea lanataWoolly Prairie-clover, Woolly DaleaDry sands.AR, s. KS and e. CO south to nc. and w. TX and NM.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea lasiatheraPurple DaleaOver limestone.C and w. TX south to Mexico (TAM, NLE, and COA).
FabaceaeDalea leporinaHare's-foot Dalea, Foxtail DaleaPrairies and woodlands, disturbed areas.WI, MN, and ND south to s. IL, se. MO, s. KS, w. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico; somewhat disjunct eastwards in c. TN.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea mountjoyaeSprawling White-tasselsWet pine savannas.Sc. and sw. GA west to se. LA.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea multifloraRound-headed Prairie-cloverUpland prairies.W. MO, c. NE, and e. CO south to TX.
FabaceaeDalea nanaDwarf DaleaSandy soils.Sw. OK and se. CO south to se. TX, s. TX, w. TX, NM, se. AZ, and Mexico.
FabaceaeDalea obovataPussyfootOpen sand flats.TX south to ne. Mexico (COA, TAM).
FabaceaeDalea oligophyllaWestern White Prairie-cloverPrairies.MB, SK, and AB south to e. OK, ne. TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico (CHH, SON).
FabaceaeDalea phleoidesSlim-spike Prairie-cloverSandy woodlands and openings.Nw. LA and se. OK south to se. TX.
FabaceaeDalea pinnata var. pinnataSummer Farewell, Eastern Prairie-cloverLongleaf pine sandhills and other dryish pinelands, especially in loamy sands.Sc. and se. NC south through SC and GA to c. peninsular FL and e. Panhandle FL.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea pinnata var. trifoliataLongleaf pine sandhills, dry to moist longleaf pine flatwoods.E. GA (near the Savannah River) south and west to w. Panhandle FL, s. AL, and s. MS.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea pogonathera var. walkeraeAlluvial soils.S. TX south to Mexico.
FabaceaeDalea purpureaPurple Prairie-cloverPrairies, glades, and open woodlands.ON west to BC, south to KY, TN, n. AL, c. MS, TX, and NM.image of plant
FabaceaeDalea reverchoniiComanche Peak Prairie-cloverOn limestone.Nc. TX (Hood, Parker, and Wise counties).
FabaceaeDalea rubescensCalcareous prairies.Nc. TX west to NM, south into Mexico.
FabaceaeDalea scandens var. paucifoliaThyrsed DaleaBrushlands.S. TX south to Central America.
FabaceaeDalea tenuifoliaSlimleaf DaleaPrairies.W. KS and se. CO south to Panhandle TX and NM; disjunct in c. OK (Cleveland County).
FabaceaeDalea tenuisRocky limestone areas.C. OK south to sc. TX.
FabaceaeDalea villosaSilky Prairie-cloverSandy prairies.MI, WI, MN, MB, and SK south to MO, e. OK, nc. TX, and e. NM.