Intro: Erect to ascending perennial of wet pine flatwoods and savannas.
Stems: Stems subtly angled, simple or branched from the base, smooth or sparsely and minutely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; divided into 3 thick-textured, linear leaflets, the terminal leaflet longer (to 2 1/2 in.) than laterals; all leaflets with netted venation, minutely hairy above and sparsely hairy and pale beneath.
Flowers: Flowers on stalks to 1/3 in. long in a terminal panicle, pink to purplish, 1/4 in. or less long, bilaterally symmetric with typical pea-flower shape.
Fruits: Fruit a flattened pod divided into nearly round segments and covered with minute hairs.
Comments: Differs from the similar D. strictum (p. xx) by having slightly rounded pod segments and occurring in wetter habitats.
Height: 1 1/2-3 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to ascending perennial of wet pine flatwoods and savannas.
stems: Stems subtly angled, simple or branched from the base, smooth or sparsely and minutely hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate; divided into 3 thick-textured, linear leaflets, the terminal leaflet longer (to 2 1/2 in.) than laterals; all leaflets with netted venation, minutely hairy above and sparsely hairy and pale beneath.
flowers: Flowers on stalks to 1/3 in. long in a terminal panicle, pink to purplish, 1/4 in. or less long, bilaterally symmetric with typical pea-flower shape.
fruits: Fruit a flattened pod divided into nearly round segments and covered with minute hairs.
comments: Differs from the similar D. strictum (p. xx) by having slightly rounded pod segments and occurring in wetter habitats.
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native range: southeastern United States