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5 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum krausiiKraus’s Bristle FernTropical hammocks, epiphytic on tree bases or less commonly on limestone in sinkholes.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and south to c. South America.image of plant
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum lineolatumLined Bristle FernTropical hammocks, on limestone in sinkholes or epiphytic on tree bases.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Central America, and South America.
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum membranaceumScale-edged Bristle-fernTerrestrial in acid humus.Known in North America only from a 1929 collection from Harrison County, MS; also in West Indies, Mexico south through Central America to South America.
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum petersiiDwarf Filmy FernOn vertical faces of acidic rock outcrops in humid gorges (in sw. NC, nw. SC, and ne. GA, primarily of the Savannah River drainage), in the context of the very humid escarpment gorges on relatively dry rocks, not on rocks receiving substantial seepage or spray from waterfalls, also on outcrops of Altamaha Grit in the Coastal Plain, on tree bark (especially Magnolia grandiflora and Fagus grandifolia) in swamps and hammocks (in FL, LA, and MS), and on chert around limestone sinkholes (in FL).W. NC, nw. SC, sw. and sc. TN, south to n. peninsular FL, c. AL, s. MS, and e. LA; disjunct in the Ozarks and Ouachitas of AR; disjunct in Mexico (CHP, VER, and PUE), Guatemala, Costa Rica, and El Salvador.image of plant
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum punctatum ssp. floridanumFlorida Bristle-fern, Florida Filmy-fernHammocks, on limestone around sinkhole margins and on boulders.., rarely on tree roots or lower trunks.Endemic to peninsular FL (Sumter and Miami-Dade counties).image of plant