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Support the Flora of the Southeastern US

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10 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PolygonaceaeEriogonum alatum var. glabriusculumWinged Wild-buckwheatPrairies, rocky hillsides, grasslands.C. and w. OK, Panhandle TX, and ec. NM.
PolygonaceaeEriogonum alleniiShale-barren Wild-buckwheatOpen and sunny situations in shale barrens (and rarely sandstone).Endemic to shale barrens of w. VA and e. WV.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum annuumAnnual Wild-buckwheatDisturbed areas.ND and MT south to sw. AR, TX, NM, and n. Mexico (CHH).image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum floridanumScrub Wild-buckwheatFlorida scrub, longleaf pine sandhills.N. peninsular FL (Marion and Putnam counties) south to c. peninsular FL at the southern end of the Lake Wales Ridge (Highlands county).image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum greggiiGregg's Wild-buckwheatIn sparse grasslands and low shrublands on shallow sandy soils over caliche (Carr 2016).S. TX (Hidalgo and Starr counties) and ne. Mexico (COA, NLE).
PolygonaceaeEriogonum harperiHarper's Wild-buckwheatLimestone glades and barrens.Endemic of sc. KY, nc. TN, and n. AL.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum longifoliumLongleaf Wild-BuckwheatCalcareous and acidic glades, Coastal Plain sand barrens, calcareous glades (eastern Ozarks), sandy and clayey woodlands.S. MO and KS south to w. LA, TX, and se. NM.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum multiflorumHeart-sepal Wild-buckwheat, Many-flower Wild-buckwheatSandy soils.Sw. AR and OK south to w. LA and TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaeEriogonum riograndisRio Grande Wild-buckwheatS. TX.
PolygonaceaeEriogonum tomentosumSandhill Wild-buckwheat, Southern Wild-buckwheat, Dog-tongueLongleaf pine sandhills, usually in white sand, primarily in the fall-line Sandhills and on riverine dunes in the middle and upper Coastal Plain.S. NC (at least formerly) south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AL. There seems no reason to doubt the label data of an 1890's Biltmore Herbarium collection from Bladen County, NC (Pittillo, Horton, & Herman 1972), as E. tomentosum is fairly common not far away in SC; the species has apparently not been seen in NC since.image of plant