Intro: Erect to ascending-spreading annual/biennial of fields, lawns and other open, disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems rising from a basal winter rosette and tending to sprawl, diffusely branched, red-tinged, covered with long white hairs.
Leaves: Basal leaves on reddish petioles; to 8 in. long (stem leaves smaller); 2-times pinnately divided and further lobed, thus appearing fern-like (rachises reddish); hairy.
Flowers: Flowers 4-12 in umbels at ends of stems, 1-2 flowers per umbel in bloom at one time; pink to purplish-pink; 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading-ascending, elliptic petals, 5 hairy green sepals, 10 stamens (5 fertile, 5 infertile) and 5 united styles with purple stigmas in the center.
Fruits: Fruit a slender, beak-like capsule, which eventually splits into 5 seeds, each with a long, spiraled awn.
Height: 8-12 in.
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description: Erect to ascending-spreading annual/biennial of fields, lawns and other open, disturbed areas. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems rising from a basal winter rosette and tending to sprawl, diffusely branched, red-tinged, covered with long white hairs.
leaves: Basal leaves on reddish petioles; to 8 in. long (stem leaves smaller); 2-times pinnately divided and further lobed, thus appearing fern-like (rachises reddish); hairy.
flowers: Flowers 4-12 in umbels at ends of stems, 1-2 flowers per umbel in bloom at one time; pink to purplish-pink; 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading-ascending, elliptic petals, 5 hairy green sepals, 10 stamens (5 fertile, 5 infertile) and 5 united styles with purple stigmas in the center.
fruits: Fruit a slender, beak-like capsule, which eventually splits into 5 seeds, each with a long, spiraled awn.
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