Intro: Reclining to ascending perennial of dry, barren sands in sandhills, woodlands, clearings and other sandy sites.
Stems: Stems several, with forked branches, smooth (rarely hairy).
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, linear to broadly oval with blunt bases, 1/2-2 1/2 in. long, with smooth often reddish margins and fleshy.
Flowers: Flowers at ends of branches or axillary, appearing solitary but actually composed of a small, cup-like structure with greenish-yellow, semi-circular lobes and containing minute male and female flowers and nectar glands.
Fruits: Fruit a rounded, 3-lobed capsule.
Height: 6-12 in.
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description: Reclining to ascending perennial of dry, barren sands in sandhills, woodlands, clearings and other sandy sites.
stems: Stems several, with forked branches, smooth (rarely hairy).
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, linear to broadly oval with blunt bases, 1/2-2 1/2 in. long, with smooth often reddish margins and fleshy.
flowers: Flowers at ends of branches or axillary, appearing solitary but actually composed of a small, cup-like structure with greenish-yellow, semi-circular lobes and containing minute male and female flowers and nectar glands.
fruits: Fruit a rounded, 3-lobed capsule.
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